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Tag: Alex Jones
Globalist Cabal Split
Alex Jones Transcript: Globalist Cabal Split
Both Side are Genocidal
From Telegram: Patriotically American [03.06.21 22:57]
Dear American,
The sudden implosion of Bill Gates is a stunning development that’s making a lot of people hopeful for the future of humanity again.
I’ve been scratching my head for 16 months, trying to figure out what the Hell is actually going on, here.… Read the rest
Welcome to the Deep State (Data) Mine
Welcome to the Deep State (Data) Mine
Is Alex Jones the “Canary in the Coal Mine”?
The Latest News: YouTube Will Run Pro-Vax Messages During
Vaccine Freedom of Choice Videos
The Deep State Wants to Provide “Corrective Information”
AKA Soviet Style Censorship – And They are Doing a Pretty Good Job of It!
Alex Jones was “de-platformed” over a 24 hour period on August 5/6, 2018 by the following “independent” corporate media” —
Perhaps thereby proving Alex Jones’ “conspiracy theories” by targeting him.… Read the rest