Ten Million Patriots Challenge Talking Points

Ten Million Patriots Challenge Talking Points
TALKING POINTS FOR YOUR PERSONAL MEETING WITH YOUR MEMBERS OF CONGRESS The 10 Million Patriot Challenge to #ExitUN is built on local action to generate a groundswell of public demand to exit the United Nations to protect our liberties and sovereignty. Educating members of Congress while they are in their home districts while they are in recess is a critical part of the ten million patriot challenge effort to succeed in passing Disengaging Entirely From the United Nations Debacle Act of 2023 (HR:6645 / S:3428). … Read the rest

Congress: Get US Out of UN/WHO

Congress: Get US Out of UN/WHO
Push Congress to Do the Right Thing: Get US Out of UN/WHO/Etc! Tell Congress to Pass the Disengaging Entirely From the United Nations Debacle (DEFUND) Act TAKE ACTION NOW: bit.ly/CongressExitWHO Three US Congressmen just introduced companion bills to get the US out of the UN, WHO and all associated organizations and entanglements (which would include the utterly disastrous – and legally binding – International Health Regulations (IHR).… Read the rest

Lost Arts Radio Show #420 – Special Guest Dr. Rima Laibow

Lost Arts Radio Show #420 – Special Guest Dr. Rima Laibow
Visit this page on Lost Arts Radio’s website iFrame is not supported! Please Help Stop The W.H.O. & U.N. ‘Health’ Tyranny – Dr. Rima Laibow Tells You Exactly How To Do It Lost Arts Radio Show on Sunday 7/23/23 Listen online: www.blogtalkradio.com/lostartsradio https://www.brighteon.com/channels/lostartsradio https://www.bitchute.com/channel/lostartsradio https://live.ahava528.com/channel/Lostartsradio https://www.facebook.com/lostartsradio/videos Listen via phone (during show time): 657-383-1002 9pm EST / 6pm PST Tell Your Friends!… Read the rest

Fact Checking Snopes: They Got It Wrong Again!

Fact Checking Snopes: They Got It Wrong Again!
James Roguski, freedom advocate extraordinaire, was cited by ‘fact checker’ Snopes as a source in their attempt to cover-up the World Health Organization’s bid for dictatorial power. James fact-checked the fact-checkers and skillfully exposed the half-truths and distortions they employ in support of their global elitist sponsors’ tyrannical agenda. They went so far as to claim that removing the words “full respect for the dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms.”… Read the rest

Lost Arts Radio Show #411 – Special Guest Dr. Rima Laibow

Lost Arts Radio Show #411 – Special Guest Dr. Rima Laibow
Visit this page on Lost Arts Radio’s website iFrame is not supported! Dr. Rima Laibow: ‘We Must Get The H*!! Out Of The W.H.O. Now!’ – Why Exiting The W.H.O. Is Top Priority Lost Arts Radio Show on Sunday 5/7/23 Listen online: www.blogtalkradio.com/lostartsradio https://www.brighteon.com/channels/lostartsradio https://www.bitchute.com/channel/lostartsradio https://live.ahava528.com/channel/Lostartsradio https://www.facebook.com/lostartsradio/videos Listen via phone (during show time): 657-383-1002 9pm EST / 6pm PST Tell Your Friends!… Read the rest

Free the NZ Two!

Free the NZ Two!
FREE THE NZ TWO! Our Guests Tomorrow:  Billy and Vinny  MUST WATCH PODCAST! From Billy T’K Jr. PodCast Tuesday 4 April 2023 – 6 PM EST http://peopleforpeople.ning.com/page/dr-rima-e-laibow Kia ora katoa and Hi dear friends: It is with a heavy heart that I inform you that yesterday on March 30,2023 I was sentenced to 4 months jail for breaching the New Zealand Covid-19 Health Response Act 2020 while protesting against lockdown harm and Government over reach.  … Read the rest

Follow the Science: Don’t Take the Jab!

Follow the Science:  Don’t Take the Jab!
Follow the Science: Don’t Take the Jab! You knew it all along… we are the people who are really ‘following the science’ which shows clearly that we’ve been right all along about these dangerous ‘vaccine’ jabs. “The … image (from the Mörz article: https://www.mdpi.com/2076-393X/10/10/1651) shows a cross section of a capillary in the heart. It demonstrates the presence of an abundant amount of spike protein (the brown material to which the red arrow points) within endothelial cells, which are the cells that line the inner wall of the capillary.… Read the rest

Angry Yet? Why Not?

Angry Yet? Why Not?
A POWERFUL AND PASSIONAGE MESSAGE FROM DR. RIMA Angry Yet? Why Not? PUSH BACK HERE https://preventgenocide2030.org/action/ If you are not angry, good and angry, right now, you are simply not paying attention. Your life is at stake. More than 5 billion people on this planet have been injected with something intentionally designed to damage them, derange their immune systems, sicken them and, ultimately kill them.… Read the rest