Brandon Smith: We Will Not Comply – A Campaign Against Medical Tyranny

Brandon Smith: We Will Not Comply – A Campaign Against Medical Tyranny
BY TYLER DURDEN THURSDAY, AUG 05, 2021 – 11:40 PM Authored by Brandon Smith via, I have been feverishly writing lately on covid mandates and vaccine passports issues, and I’m sure most readers understand why – We are currently at the cusp of a great conflict against the powers that be; people who are exploiting the (mostly manufactured) covid crisis for unprecedented political and economic control.… Read the rest

mRNA Expert Speaks Out on the COVID Crisis

mRNA Expert Speaks Out on the COVID Crisis
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola August 07, 2021 STORY AT-A-GLANCE Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA and DNA vaccine core platform technology, expressed his concerns about the spike protein used in COVID-19 vaccines to the FDA last fall, but was dismissed In its native form in SARS-CoV-2, the spike protein is responsible for the pathologies of the viral infection, and in its wild form it’s known to open the blood-brain barrier, cause cell damage (cytotoxicity) and other problems Malone speaks about the bioethics of the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) granted to COVID-19 vaccines; experimentation without proper informed consent violates the Nuremberg Code The concept of the noble lie was first described by Plato; it refers to the notion that, in the case of high-status individuals or designated public leaders, it’s acceptable to lie if the lie is made in the interest of the common good Three lies are being circulated about COVID-19, including the need for herd immunity, the notion that herd immunity can only be achieved by universal vaccination and that the vaccines are completely safe; any discussion that challenges or goes against these three elements is censored Malone believes that children and young adults up to age 30 or 35 should not be vaccinated because the risks outweigh the benefits in this population When Dr.… Read the rest

Stop Vaccine Passports Task Force Releases Open Letter to Biden and Congressional Leaders

Stop Vaccine Passports Task Force Releases Open Letter to Biden and Congressional Leaders
Action Needed to Stop Vaccine Passports not only by the federal government, but also by any state or local government, or by businesses, schools, or commercial enterprises BY ROB MANESS AUGUST 5, 2021 WASHINGTON, D.C.—The Committee on the Present Danger: China, (CPDC) and Women’s Rights Without Frontiers (WRWF) released today an open letter urging the President and Congress of the United States to stop vaccine passports in any form, including not only those required by the federal government, but also those required by any state or local government, or by businesses, schools, or commercial enterprises.… Read the rest

Supplements Can Help Optimize Blood Sugar Metabolism

Supplements Can Help Optimize Blood Sugar Metabolism
Supplements Can Help Optimize Blood Sugar Metabolism Approximately 110 million Americans have elevated blood sugar issues. That means that least one in every three people could benefit from better regulation of blood sugar, and metabolic blood sugar support is a great way to achieve that for many people. For many with a blood sugar issue, low-carb diets can be helpful when followed as a lifestyle option.… Read the rest

New Jersey Officials Announce First COVID-19 Mandate

New Jersey Officials Announce First COVID-19 Mandate
Vaccine requirement for workers in healthcare facilities, congregate settings go into effect Sept. 7 by James Hickey  August 2, 2021 in Trenton State officials announced the first of what Gov. Phil Murphy hinted will be a series COVID-19 vaccine mandates in New Jersey. By Sept. 7, employees in certain state and private healthcare facilities and high-risk congregate settings contracted with the state will be required to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 or be subjected to testing at minimum one to two times per week.… Read the rest

NYC Will Require Vaccination Proof for Indoor Dining, Gyms

NYC Will Require Vaccination Proof for Indoor Dining, Gyms
Which Right being abridged and violated shall we start with? The Right of Informed Consent, guaranteed under international Treaty Law and reiterated on the FDA’s Emergency Use Authorization pages for each of these non-vaccines, perhaps? The Right of Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Assembly, perhaps, guaranteed by the First Amendment and inalienable, according to that governing body? The Right to be governed by people acting in accord with the Oaths of Office that they have taken and are both morally and legally responsible to uphold?… Read the rest

Brown University’s Dr. Megan Ranney declares: ‘We are never going to go back to a pre-pandemic reality’

Brown University’s Dr. Megan Ranney declares: ‘We are never going to go back to a pre-pandemic reality’
CHRIS ENLOE August 02, 2021     Speaking on CNN’s “Inside Politics” Sunday, Ranney said she agrees with the assessment of Kathleen Neuzil, a vaccine expert at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, who told the Washington Post that humanity needs to get “comfortable” with COVID-19 because it is not going away any time soon. “We are never going to go back to a pre-pandemic reality,” Ranney said.… Read the rest