Medical doctor reveals CENSORED COVID statistics mainstream media is hiding from you

Medical doctor reveals CENSORED COVID statistics mainstream media is hiding from you
by: Edit Lang, staff writer | October 24, 2021 (NaturalHealth365)  “We have a pandemic of fear, not a pandemic of the virus.”  Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet is by far not the only person who feels this way.  Every day more people wake up to the realization that something is going terribly wrong, especially in our hospitals.  By now, it is well-established that COVID patients ending up on a ventilator face extremely low chances of survival. … Read the rest

Tragic “side effect” of the COVID pandemic: Does anyone notice this?

Tragic “side effect” of the COVID pandemic: Does anyone notice this?
by: Sara Middleton, staff writer | November 10, 2021 (NaturalHealth365)  The economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic – particularly the COVID-19 mitigation measures such as lockdowns and unconstitutional COVID shot mandates – has been troubling to witness.  Job loss is rampant in the United States, and the rate of job growth, described by NPR as “anemic” in August, has been underwhelming, to say the least.… Read the rest

General Bert Estimate of Situation 5

General Bert Estimate of Situation 5
GENERAL BERT’S 5th 2021 DIRE ESTIMATE OF SITUATION Link to Previous 2021 Estimates The Founding President of Natural Solutions Foundation, Maj. Gen. Bert Stubblebine (US Army) went AWOL on his 87th Birthday in 2017.  However, as you may know, the General who brought effective Remote Viewing to the US Military refused to let death silence him.  He has continued to communicate through his widow, Rima E.… Read the rest

34% of NHS staff say they were pressured to place ‘Do Not Resuscitate’ orders on disabled Covid patients

34% of NHS staff say they were pressured to place ‘Do Not Resuscitate’ orders on disabled Covid patients
BY THE EXPOSÉ ON FEBRUARY 14, 2021 A damning report released by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) has found that thirty-four-percent of people working in health and social care were pressured into placing ‘do not attempt cardiopulmonary resuscitation’ (DNACPR) orders on Covid patients who suffered from disabilities and learning difficulties, without involving the patient or their families in the decision. The CQC was commissioned by the Department for Health and Social Care, under section 48 of the Health and Social Care Act 2008, to conduct a special review of Do Not Attempt Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (DNACPR) decisions taken during the COVID-19 pandemic (full report can be found here).… Read the rest

DANGER: So we now have an OFFICIAL ICD 10 billing code for Discrimination Against Those Refusing To Take the Bioweapon

DANGER: So we now have an OFFICIAL ICD 10 billing code for Discrimination Against Those Refusing To Take the Bioweapon
Dr. Jane Ruby@drjaneruby DANGER: So we now have an OFFICIAL ICD 10 billing code for DISCRIMINATION AGAINST THOSE REFUSING TO TAKE THE BIOWEAPON. This is official and will be used to alert healthcare providers so that they can refuse service to you and it will be used to track you. Source:… Read the rest

Metaverse: Augmented reality inventor warns it could be far worse than social media

Metaverse: Augmented reality inventor warns it could be far worse than social media
If used improperly, the metaverse could be more divisive than social media and an insidious threat to society and even reality itself. Social media manipulates our reality by filtering what we are allowed (or not allowed) to see. We live in dangerous times because too many people use social media to disseminate untruths and promote division. Augmented reality and the metaverse have the potential to amplify these dangers to incomprehensible levels.… Read the rest