Kansas, Missouri Governors Vow to Not Implement Vaccine Passports in States

04-06-2021 • https://www.theepochtimes.com BY GQ PAN

In Kansas, Gov. Laura Kelly told reporters that instead of implementing vaccine passports, she will be focusing on more important aspects of the pandemic response.

“I have no interest in vaccine passports,” the Democratic governor said, reported Associated Press. “We will not be issuing those under my authority, for sure, and we have a lot of other things to deal with—things that will make a difference in people’s safety and health.”

While there is currently no legislative effort to ban vaccine passports in Kansas, members of the state legislature have proposed a resolution (pdf) urging the state to adopt a “COVID-19 Vaccine Bill of Rights,” which would strip a state license from interstate transportation companies, such as airlines, if they require travelers to be vaccinated.

In the neighboring state of Missouri, Gov. Mike Parson has said that while he doesn’t support state-mandated vaccine passports, he’s fine with private companies adopting them.

Source:  https://www.freedomsphoenix.com/News/302376-2021-04-06-kansas-missouri-governors-vow-to-not-implement-vaccine-passports-in.htm?From=News

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