Media Madness and Vaccines


Some Disturbing Questions Arising from Recent Headlines
It’s the New Year and the Annual Flu Madness is upon Us!
Did Fox News Just Kill 20,000 People?
Did Vaccines Kill the Migrant Children?
Do You Have to Submit to the Shot?
What If You are a Nurse or Doctor?

Fox News Monday morning featured Dr. Marc Siegal, a physician who pushes vaccines on the media. He announced that this year’s “Flu Season” was getting under way and that 13 kids were already dead “from the flu” so far this year. 
He did not share with us how many of those children had received flu shots. Nor do we know if the two migrant children who recently died in US custody had just received multiple vaccines. However, since many US States now require the flu vaccine for school children, and since Dr. Siegal said that about 45% of the US population gets the flu shot, we can surmise that the children most likely had received at least the flu vaccine.
He happily reported that the [“live virus”] mist vaccine was back on the market. He did not report, however, that recipients of vaccines will shed infectious viral particles for weeks. He warned us that there was still time to get your flu shot, even if you are healthy, to “protect” those who are not.
Most astoundingly the doctor asserted that last year there were 80,000 flu related deaths in the USA.
I was talking with Dr. Rima on Skype when this report came in. She immediately asked me to search the CDC (Center for Disease Control) web site to find and verify this claim. Here are the latest statistics on their web site.

“On December 9, 2016, CDC posted estimates of seasonal flu deaths from more recent seasons in the United States. CDC estimates that from 2010-2011 to 2013-2014, influenza-associated deaths in the United States ranged from a low of 12,000 (during 2011-2012) to a high of 56,000 (during 2012-2013). Death certificate data and weekly influenza virus surveillance information was used to estimate how many flu-related deaths occurred among people whose underlying cause of death on their death certificate included respiratory or circulatory causes.” [1]

It seems to us that over the past decade or so there has been a backward inflation in “flu related deaths” — note that the agency explains these are NOT deaths caused by the flu.
What we are seeing on Fox News and at the CDC web site is disinformation which contains some truth and lots of distortion, aimed at creating fear so people will act in ways that serve the agenda of those who control the “authoritative” information about vaccines and disease.
What is the result of this campaign of distortion? Among other examples of just how bizarre it is getting, consider the Golden Globe awards that just concluded in Hollywood. Headline: Golden Globe Award Ceremony Included Free Flu Vax Shots [2]
Yes, with all the pizzazz of a Hollywood Musical, Nurses and Doctors marched into the audience to provide “free” vax shots to all who would worship at the altar of fame. The announcer suggested that any “anti-vaxxers” in the audience who didn’t want the shot should put a basket over their heads — a sick, shaming joke instead of respect for the universal right of Informed Consent.
Well, PC requirements among the Hollywood celebrity crowd might get the famous to line up for their annual dose of mercury and aluminum directly into the blood stream, but that does not mean any of the rest of us have to volunteer to do it.
The law is clear: your right of Informed Consent trumps peer pressure and legal mandates. When you assert your rights correctly you cannot be forced to be vaccinated.  Learn more about asserting your rights the correct way with the Advance Vaccine Directive card:
I recently wrote about asserting your right as a Vaccine Conscientious Objector [3] — I had been counseling several nurses who were told their employer had a “Zero Tolerance” policy on vaccines for members of the staff. Get the shot or get fired. The hospital was wrong on the law, since such a policy violates the civil rights of the employees. The sincerely held conscientious objections of the nurses had to be reasonably accommodated.
No, you do not have to take the shot! Flu Stats Lie; People Die. Don’t be one of them.
To refuse Informed Consent is to be a Conscientious Objector, exercising your right; if you do not exercise that right, you will lose it.
Yours in health and freedom,
Ralph Fucetola JD
Natural Solutions Trustee
Please do not forget what Dr. Rima Recommends™ —
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[1]  “Estimating Seasonal Influenza-Associated Deaths in the United States | CDC” –

[2] See:

[3]  That article is here:

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