Was Osaka G-20 Meeting Held Under Fukushima Radiation Cloud?

Another in our series of Messages from Murata-san, our correspondent in Japan. In this message he reveals that the G-20 meeting recently held in Osaka occurred just days after a suspected, suppressed, radiation release at the stricken Fukushima nuclear reactors.

From: mitsu
Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2019 2:22 PM
Subject: Some crucial facts about Fukushima

Dear Friends,

You will be shocked by the attached article by the scale of problems to be surmounted facing the Tokyo OLympic Games.

Is Tokyo Ready for the Olympic Juggernaut?

Concerning the restarting of the Fukushima second nuclear plant, the Mainichi Newspaper dated July 20 reports that TEPCO is to decide within this month to decommission the second Fukushima nuclear plant.

The determined efforts of FPM Koizumi seem to have born fruit.

I avail myself of this opportunity to confirm my determination to seek the stopping of 9 restarted nuclear reactors whose safety is not officially guaranteed.

I am revealing some meaningful facts about Fukushima.

1. Former Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama, in his twitter of June 1, criticized an interim report presented by the Fukushima Prefecture that denies the influence of radiation children’s cancer, thus recalling the importance of ethics to us.

2. Former Prime Minister is vigorously engaged in pleading for abolishing nuclear reactors and for promoting natural energies. He is determined to prevent the restarting of the second Tokai Nuclear Reactor, situated only 100 kilometers away from Tokyo. He is to visit the nearby city Hitachi in September to make a speech that could gather thousands of citizens.

3. On June 25, three days before the G 20 Summit in Osaka, white smoke was observed blowing up near No.6 reactor at the Fukushima Daiichi.

There is no press report about this up to this day.

On 28 June, an acquaintance informed me of it and a director in charge of the Fukushima Prefecture I contacted confirmed this and asked me to reassure people that there was no need for panic.

I sent out a BCC message to this effect.

Why me and not the media!

I have sent a message to Prime Minister Abe to inform him of the fact and the problem regarding the media.

4. The floods in Kumamoto in Kyushu actually obliged 1 million residents to take refuge. We are reminded that Japan is a “super power” of natural disasters. The actual severe heat wave in Europe makes us anxious about the Tokyo Olympic Games taking place in mid-summer.

With warmest and highest regards,

Mitsuhei Murata
Former Japanese Ambassador to Switzerland

P.S. I like Chinese ancient philosopher LAOZI’s warning:  “Heaven’s vengeance is slow, but sure”.

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