Too Late to Stop Atomic Olympics?

Again We Bring You News from Fukushima, Japan

Our correspondent, Hon. Mitsuhei Murata, former Japanese ambassador to Switzerland, keeps OST updated on developments involving the Fukushima reactor disaster and the upcoming Tokyo Olympics. Here is his latest message.

Japan should retreat from the “immoral and irresponsible”
Tokyo Olympic Games to save her honor.
I believe it is not too late.

Dear Friends,

I am sending you a most important message from Mr. Akio Matsumura with the statement of Dr.Scott Jones, distingushed nuclear expert, attached.

Mr.Akio Matsumura, former UN advisor, one of my close collaborators, has sent me the attached message.

The radioactive contamination emanating from Fukushima reaches undeniably the West Coast of The United States and now gives rise to the sense of crisis among the local population thanks to his unceasing endeavor.

As Mr. Matsumura points out, it is indeed of critical importance that the International Olympics Committee (IOC) conduct an independent assessment of the radiation situation in Fukushima and Tokyo.

The sense of ethics of the IOC is increasingly questioned for not complying with the legitimate requests from many quarters seeking to verify the infamous “under control” assertion.

The book entiled”Dangers of the Tokyo Olympic Games”in which 25 experts express their views has been published in Japanese.

It will give rise to rections.

Dishonest coverups could no doubt have serious implications worldwide,which must be avoided at all costs.

With warmest regards,
Mitsuhei Murata
Former Japanese Ambassador to Switzerland

From: Akio Matsumura
Sent: Monday, September 16, 2019 2:57 AM

Dear Ambassador Murata

I am extremely pleased to convey to you the statement of Dr. Scott Jones, a retired naval officer with extensive nuclear weapon experience, Special Advisor to Senator Claiborne Pell.

A man of great insight describes the matter of the 50-year radiation impact to all life on the West Coast .

There are two issues we have to tackle that 1) the reality of the 50-year flow of radioactive wind and contaminated water reaching the West Coast which causes damages to ecology and risk to children, 2) The risk to children and women in Fukushima, and also potential health issues to participants of the 2020 Tokyo Olympic games. It is of critical importance that the IOC should conduct the independent assessment on the radiation situation in Fukushima and Tokyo.

Yours truly


“Dear Akio,

The Fukushima nuclear powerplant accident took place on March 11, 2011. Two and a half years later Tokyo was awarded the 2020 Olympic games. The anticipate cost for each of these events will easily be in the tens of billions of dollars. With luck from nature there will be no major earthquake followed by another devastating tsunami that would disrupt the Olympic Games and the government Japan can breathe easy again.

There is an old saying that nature has the last ending at bat. It is inconceivable that in the next forty to fifty years there will be no cataclysm that will again fully reopen the wounds of Fukushima. The forty to fifty period is important because that is the estimated period that it will take to get the radiation release from Fukushima under control.

What happens during that haft century is very important. The West Coast of the United States has been receiving low but still deadly over time levels of Fukushima radiation. Children are particularly vulnerable. The academic and health institution that normally would be alert and active about this situation remain silent. The government money that support these institutions comes with a high ethical cost.”

Dr. Scott Jones is a retired naval officer with extensive nuclear weapon experience. This includes being a nuclear delivery pilot and a Special Weapons Detail Officer with the responsibility to select the appropriate nuclear weapon, its yield and height of burst to accomplish the desired levels of destruction, fatalities and causalities.—————-


Subject: Fw: Fwd: Re important message from Ambassador Murata
Date: 08:06 PM EDT, 09/13/19
From: “mitsu”

(Message from one of Mr. Matsumura’s friends)


This is the most powerful statement I have heard from a Japanese dignitary. Ambassador Murata haas the courage to speak the truth as few others have dared. He has displayed his own sense of honor, as I would hope more in Japan will do before it is too late. As it is here in California, elected officials don’t display the courage to speak the truth for of fear of powerful interests. As has been said many times, the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is that good people do nothing. Best, Gregg

On Sep 13, 2019, at 5:26 AM, Akio Matsumura <> wrote:

Dear Gregg

I am conveying to you the important message of Ambassador Mitsuhei Murata on the situation of Fukushima nuclear accident.

Ambassador Murata has warned to the political leaders on the safety issues of the nuclear energy policy long before the Fukushima nuclear accident. Ambassador Murata made courageous appeal at the public hearing of the House of Councilors of Japan.

He is greatly concerned about the health issues of children and women in Fukushima, and he raises the deep concern on the potential risk to participants in the Tokyo Olympic Games.

The public will raise the moral issues if the IOC continues to ignore the repeated requirements.


Dear Mr. Matsumura,

There is a move in Europe to organize demonstrations to express serious concern as regards the health of children and women in Fukushima, still under the nuclear emergency state decree. Outside Japan, few believe the “under control” assertion.

As the Tokyo Olympic Games approaches, the concern will certainly deepen.
The participants in the Games may feel threatened and will naturally require reevaluation of the problematic assertion. If the IOC continues to ignore the repeated requirements, it will certainly face the flaring up of criticism.

Japan should retreat from the “immoral and irresponsible” Tokyo Olympic Games to save her honor. I believe it is not too late.

Mitsuhei Murata
Former Japanese Ambassador to Switzerland

September 18, 2019 Update:

Fukushima’s Radioactive Water Crisis

Dear Friends,
Robert Hunziker, journalist of CounterPunch, has sent me his brilliant and comprehensive article on the ongoing Fukushima crisis. It enlightens us on the immoral and irresponsible handling of the Fukushima nuclear disaster.The conveyed details are unquestionable.
How can we be reassured of the safety of the participants and the spectators of the Tokyo Olympic Games?
With warmest regards,
Mitsuhei Murata
Hunziker article:

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