More Rebellion Against Heavy-Handed DEA Dictat On Marijuana: Epilepsy Society Smacks Down Agency

More Rebellion Against Heavy-Handed DEA Dictat On Marijuana: Epilepsy Society Smacks Down Agency
Epilepsy Society Just Says No To DEA: Delivers Smack-Down To DEA Dictat On Marijuana Scheduling As the reality of the DEA’s heavy-handed determination that marijuana is to remain a Schedule 1 drug–that is, one that is dangerous with a high potential for abuse and which has no medical value, the same rating as LSD, heroin, bath salts or GBH, and making it in theory more dangerous than Schedule 2 drugs like cocaine and meth–cracks are starting to show in the armor of the state.… Read the rest

As DEA Clings To Reefer Madness Past For Drug Laws For Citizens, They Have Also Opened The Door For Big Pharma

As DEA Clings To Reefer Madness Past For Drug Laws For Citizens, They Have Also Opened The Door For Big Pharma
DEA Sends Mixed Signals Over Weed–Throwing A Huge Bone To Big Pharma To Monetize It To get all the benefits of marijuana without the smoke or legal worries, Visit for pure CBC products at great prices! Of all the disappointments and broken promises of the Obama era–failing to promote single-payer health care, failure to end the Wars in Iraq and Afganistan, failure at closing Guantanamo (within his first year!),… Read the rest

Alabama Is One Of Several States Advancing The Ball In The Fight To Legalize The Use Of CBD Oil In Treating Seizures And Other Ailments

Alabama Is One Of Several States Advancing The Ball In The Fight To Legalize The Use Of CBD Oil In Treating Seizures And Other Ailments
Alabama Shakes No More: Traditionally Conservative Southern State Making Great Strides In Research On Treating Seizures With CBD Oil Of the many U.S. states where progress toward a sane policy on medical and recreational marijuana use is ongoing, one surprisingly progressive state is Alabama. Researchers in the conservative southern bastion have been making great strides in showing how CBD oil can be used to treat seizures.… Read the rest