You Need Tryptophan: Here Are Some Foods That Can Boost Your Tryptophan Intake, Help Serotonin Levels

You Need Tryptophan: Here Are Some Foods That Can Boost Your Tryptophan Intake, Help Serotonin Levels
Mood-Altering Tryptophan: Some Foods That Will Help Regulate Your Serotonin Levels Through Tryptophan Intake Tryptophan used to have a bad rep. The amino acid found in turkey and other foods was thought to be the major cause of sleepiness on the U.S.’s annual turkey day. Thanksgiving would roll around and all people could talk about was how turkey contains so much tryptophan that your Uncle Kevin was perfectly justified in falling asleep on the couch after his third helping.… Read the rest

Eat Your Fat: Study Shows Full-Fat Diet Lower In Carbohydrates Better For Overall Health And Reduced Risk Of Diabetes

Eat Your Fat: Study Shows Full-Fat Diet Lower In Carbohydrates Better For Overall Health And Reduced Risk Of Diabetes
Long-Heeded Advice To Increase Health By Lowering Natural Fats Intake Debunked: Link Shown Between High Fat Diet And Reduced Risk Of Diabetes There are some things we hear so often they become not only a part of the tapestry of the culture, they become internalized in us as individuals–regardless of their truth. Some examples: Don’t swallow your gum; it stays in your stomach for seven years.… Read the rest

Talk About Cheese-Heads: Scientists Show That Addiction Centers Of Brain React The Same Way To Drugs As Well As Processed Foods

Talk About Cheese-Heads: Scientists Show That Addiction Centers Of Brain React The Same Way To Drugs As Well As Processed Foods
Sir, Step Away From The Cheese And Put Your Hands Up: Fatty Foods Found To Have Similar Addictive Effects On The Brain As Drugs Turns out cheese heads are a real thing. No, not the rabid Packers fans who take over Wisconsin every fall wearing their trademark plastic wedges of swiss cheese atop their head. No, this is something very different.… Read the rest