No. 2 ICU Doctor Calls Vaccine Injuries “Crime Against Humanity”

No. 2 ICU Doctor Calls Vaccine Injuries “Crime Against Humanity”
By Keean Bexte The second most published critical care physician in the world called vaccine injuries — and health professionals’ unwillingness to treat them — a “crime against humanity.” “My heart is broken — I can’t keep quiet anymore,” Dr. Paul Marik began, breaking down in tears at the COVID-19 Alternative Therapies and the Right to Choose Conference. Marik had just finished listening to testimonies from vaccine-injured individuals and the parents of those who died after taking the vaccine.… Read the rest

COVID Vaxx Death Watch

COVID Vaxx Death Watch
KEEPING UP WITH THE COVID VAXX DEATH TOLL The number of articles exposing the dangers of the EUA COVID vaccines continues to grow.  A sampling garnered from uncensored social media of the escalating COVID Vaxx Death Crisis may suffice to raise a strong warning against volunteering for the vaccines.  #DontYouDare Only Idiots Volunteer to be Vaccinated! We saw this coming: “Immunity” Passports:… Read the rest