Trial Of The Century And You May Have Missed It: Monsanto In The Dock At The Hague

Trial Of The Century And You May Have Missed It: Monsanto In The Dock At The Hague
Monsanto And Its ‘Crimes Against Humanity:’ Agri-Chem Giant In The Dock At The Hague For Mock Trial It was the Trial of the Century, and the mainstream coverage had its collective talking head up its collective news hole, yammering on about the two most dismally disliked candidates in the history of U.S. presidential elections. Well, to be honest, it was the mock-trial of the century.… Read the rest

Monsanto Glyphosate Study Determines That Glyphosate Is Perfectly Safe. Thanks For Clearing That Up.

Monsanto Glyphosate Study Determines That Glyphosate Is Perfectly Safe. Thanks For Clearing That Up.
Monsanto-Funded Glyphosate Study Graciously Informs The World That Glyphosate Is Completely Safe. Oh they just won’t stop trying, will they. Monsanto is in the news again–aren’t they always?–and this time it isn’t about their proposed merger with Bayer, a troubling development not only to the German government, but also to anyone who thinks food and the means to feed ourselves shouldn’t be controlled by a handful of mega-corporations.… Read the rest