Alarming New Study Concludes That Antidepressants Are Ineffective For Children And Adolescents, Possibly Even Harmful

Alarming New Study Concludes That Antidepressants Are Ineffective For Children And Adolescents, Possibly Even Harmful
Depressing News: Antidepressants May Not Be Effective On Children And Teens, Possibly Even Harmful It always seems like these days we have to make horrendous, widespread mistakes affecting millions of people before we wake up and figure out the harm we are doing: fracking, glyphosate, and Iraq are just a few examples. These may seem like diverse and unrelated situations, but the pattern holds true: we are sold a bill of goods by slick marketing people assuring us that they and only they possess the sure-fire, can’t-miss cure-all for what ails us.… Read the rest