Bombshell Claim: Google Intercepted 100% of RNC Donation Emails on Biggest Donation Days of Month – for 7 Months Straight

Bombshell Claim: Google Intercepted 100% of RNC Donation Emails on Biggest Donation Days of Month – for 7 Months Straight
By Richard Moorhead  June 30, 2022 Big Tech’s bias against conservatives is well known. And yet Google is taking its double standards and discrimination to a new level. The Republican National Committee revealed that its email communications are being tactically labeled as “spam” by the Silicon Valley company, according to Axios. The “spam” label allows Google to filter the emails away from the sight of Gmail users, hidden in a spam inbox.… Read the rest

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia Sudden Death Costs Dow Chemical Nearly $1 Billion US

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia Sudden Death Costs Dow Chemical Nearly $1 Billion US
Dow had planned to appeal the case to the Supreme Court, confident that the high court’s consistent 5-4 split (with Scalia’s considerable weight favoring business and other conservative causes regardless of the precedent or even logic involved) would play out in their favor. Upon news of the famously hard line conservative judge’s death, however, Dow quickly did an about face and decided to accept a slightly lower settlement of $835 million and be done with it, rather than take their chances with a tie in the Supreme Court, which would by default uphold the lower court’s ruling.