They War On Weeds And Going Nuclear, Monsanto-Style: How The Agri-Chem Company’s Next-Gen GMO Soy Is Actually Not Going To Help Farmers At All

They War On Weeds And Going Nuclear, Monsanto-Style: How The Agri-Chem Company’s Next-Gen GMO Soy Is Actually Not Going To Help Farmers At All
Dicamba And Monsanto’s War On Weeds (And On Everybody): How The Agri-Chem Giant’s Next-Gen GMO Soy Is The Terrifying New Nuclear Option If you know anything at all about Monsanto, you know the company has a history of inventing products, then doing just enough–in-house testing, and hiring of friendly outside researchers, making political payouts, and doing some regulatory arm-twisting–to get its products to market, without worrying too much about long-term consequences.… Read the rest