Profit Over People, As Usual: How Captive Regulatory Agencies Are Allowing A Slow-Motion Epidemic Of Obesity To Threaten The Health Of Billions

Profit Over People, As Usual: How Captive Regulatory Agencies Are Allowing A Slow-Motion Epidemic Of Obesity To Threaten The Health Of Billions
Millions Of People Versus Billions Of Dollars: Who Will Win? According To Regulators The Sugar-Coated Answer Is Simple If you are a regular reader of these pages, you have seen the same stories we have been fascinated with: study after study pointing the way to healthier, happier human species. Studies showing us just how devastating added sugars and high-fructose corn syrup are, how threatening refined foods are to obesity rates, normal development, and a healthy endocrine system.… Read the rest

Weight Loss Breakthrough May Start With The Brain: High-Fat/High-Sugar Diet Hacks The Brain

Weight Loss Breakthrough May Start With The Brain: High-Fat/High-Sugar Diet Hacks The Brain
Why You Always Go Back For Seconds And Thirds: High-Fat/High-Sugar Diet Hacks The Brain There is a great character in the sci-fi comedy “Men in Black,” who appears to be a normal, little old man who runs a jewelry shop. Only later, after he is mortally wounded is it revealed that the man is but a bio-mechanical suit, being “driven” by a tiny alien operator whose cockpit is inside the human head.… Read the rest