Is the UN Charter a Treaty Binding the United States of America?

Is the UN Charter a Treaty Binding the United States of America?
LEGAL MEMORANDUM Is the United States in a Treaty Relationship with the United Nations? Questions: Is any participation and funding of the United Nations (and its subsidiary and/or associated organizations) legal? Did the 1945 signing of the United Nations (UN) Charter and the US Senate vote authorizing the President’s signature create Treaty obligations binding on the United States? Was the UN Charter ratified as a Treaty by the US Senate or is it merely a contract between the United States and an international association?… Read the rest

Message from Japan Calling for Global Ethics Summit

Message from Japan Calling for Global Ethics Summit
10 March 2018 Dear Fucetola-san, I am sending you the copy of my letter addressed to United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, in which I reiterated the need for a UN Ethics Summit and an International Day of Global Ethics. This initiative is receiving strong support from opinion leaders worldwide. The most serious problem of our time consists in lack of ethics, which is symbolized by increasing nuclear waste, of which no final solution has been found as yet.… Read the rest