Report: Working In The Metaverse Lowers Productivity, Causes Anxiety

Report: Working In The Metaverse Lowers Productivity, Causes Anxiety
The Metaverse is headed for a huge fail as workers already experience nausea, intense eye strain and anxiety, revealing the physical, emotional and mental toll. If this is the effect on adults, just imagine the horrors it will inflict on youth. Humans are not designed to live in a fake reality created by Transhuman dreamers. — Technocracy News & Trends Editor Patrick Wood By: Lucas Nolan via Breitbart According to a recent report, volunteers who spent a week working in a virtual-reality environment similar to the metaverse proposed by Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook reported more anxiety, lower productivity, and suffering from migraines.… Read the rest

WEF Says Smartphone Tech Will Be Incorporated Into Your Body -Enter: Neuralink, 6G, VR Holograms, Metaverse

WEF Says Smartphone Tech Will Be Incorporated Into Your Body -Enter: Neuralink, 6G, VR Holograms, Metaverse
By Keean Bexte Speaking in Davos at the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting, Nokia CEO and WEF agenda contributor Pekka Lundmark said that smartphone tech will be incorporated into human bodies by 2030. When asked about it, Lundmark said, “First of all, it will definitely happen. I was talking about 6G earlier, which [will happen] around 2030. I would say that by then, definitely, the smartphone as we know it today will not be the most common interface.”… Read the rest