As has been our practice, we are providing here to the public the recent urgent messages from “The Conscience of Fukushima” — M. Murata, former Japanese Ambassador to Switzerland, and one of the most prominent of the Japanese to be calling for “honorable retreat” from the 2020 Olympics, currently scheduled to be held in Japan near the Fukushima disaster zone.
Murata-san has these messages for us:
[1] Message to International Olympic Committee [20 July 2017]
[2] Fukushima Radiation Water Dumping into the Pacific Ocean [16 July 2017]
[3] Retreating from the Tokyo Olympic Games [17 June 2017]
Subject: Message to International Olympic Committee President Bach
Date: 08:56 AM EDT, 07/20/17
From: “mitsu”
Dear Friends,
I am sending you my message addressed to President Thomas Bach of the IOC.
With warmest and highest regards,
From: mitsu
Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2017 9:44 PM
Dear President Thomas Bach,
Please allow me to transmit this extremely alarming mail that may interest you.
It has been sent to me from an American friend.
The widening gap between the promoters and the opponents of the of the Tokyo Olympic Games could not be left unattended.
“Former nuclear industry senior vice president Arnie Gunderson, who managed and coordinated projects at 70 U.S. atomic power plants, is appalled at how the Japanese government is handling the Fukushima nuclear crisis.
“The inhumanity of the Japanese government toward the Fukushima disaster refugees is appalling,” Gunderson, a licensed reactor operator with 45 years of nuclear power engineering experience and the author of a bestselling book in Japan about the Fukushima Daiichi disaster, told Truthout.”
He explains that both the Japanese government and the atomic power industry are trying to force almost all of the people who evacuated their homes in the wake of the Fukushima nuclear disaster to return “home” before the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.
With highest regards,
Received: 09:20 PM EDT, 07/16/2017
From: “mitsu”
Subject: Fukushima Radiation Water and the Pacific Ocean
Dear Friends,
At the Fukushima Daiichi, the volume of contaminated water amounts to one million tons contained in 1000 tanks.
On July13, the new Chairman of TEPCO announced in an interview that the massive radioactive contaminated water containing unremovable tritium would be released into the sea, as recommended by the Nuclear Regulatory Authority. It is well known that tritium is a deadly poison. 2 milligram of it is lethal.
The future of the Pacific Ocean is threatened. The reaction of the international community can easily be foreseen.
Recent publications containing anti-Tokyo Olympic Games assertions are noteworthy. Mr.Takao Saito, renowned journalist, published last month a book entitled “How to educate the people” in which he reviews all the violations of the initial official commitments of the Tokyo Olympic Games. Mr.Makoto Sadaka, famous critic, has recently published an article in which he criticizes Dentsu as playing a central role in suspected corruption cases regarding nuclear reactors and the Tokyo Olympic Games.
Fukushima and the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games are closely related.
The former helps to play down the consequences of the latter, preventing Japan from consecrating maximum efforts to bring Fukushima under control. It is simply scandelous to organize Olympic baseball and football games in Fukushima without reassuring its safety as required by civil society. The IOC is increasingly criticized for this.
The Olympic Games seems to stand at crossroads. Rome, Boston Hamburg and Bulgaria have withdrawn candidature for the 2024 Olympic Games. Paris and Los Angeles are retained for 2024 and 2028.In addition to enormous financial burden, immigrants and terrorism remain serious discouraging problems for the two cities.
The large scale cyber attack that took place in Europe on June 27 damaged the automatic radiation surveillance system of Chernobyl nuclear reactors in Ukraine. The world is thus seriously warned against the vulnerability of nuclear reactors.
The world is yet to learn the destructive power of nuclear energy in all directions (states,companies,organizations, individuals).
The pitiful downfall of TOSHIBA undeniably symbolizes the beginning of the end of the peaceful use of nuclear energy. The mainstream of the world still permits and promotes the existence of more than 440 nuclear reactors, now considered as the most serious threat to security.
This mainstream undeniably needs a change.
It is the law of history.
Subject: Retreating from the Tokyo Olympic Games
Date: 05:23 AM EDT, 06/17/17
From: “mitsu”
Dear Friends,
The results of the nation-wide referendum among the listeners
conducted on 17 June by the Hiroshi Kume’s wide-show program entitled
“Should we retreat from the the Tokyo Olympic Games 2010 ?”
are extremely impressive.
All age categories except “under 19 years old” have overwhelmingly
supported the retreat from the 2020 Olympic Games.
The results could not but have a far reaching impact on this vital issue.
The future of Fukushima depends on it.
This development coincides with another significant one.
In a surprise move, the International Olympic Committee announced on 16 June
that it was ending its Olympic sponsorship deal with McDonald.
The fast-food giant pulled out of its current, estimated £40-million-a-year, deal with
the International Olympic Committee more than three years early,
citing a “focus on different priorities”,severing a relationship that dated to 1976.
A new page is being opened as regards the Olympic Games 2020.
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