An Important Message from Our Correspondent in Japan, Murata-san
06 February 2020
Dear Friends,
We are already witnessing strong reactions both at home and abroad, against the approaching decision to release contaminated water into the sea.
On February 4, Governor Ooigawa Kazuhiko of Ibaragi Prefecture expressed his strong reserve as regards the decision.
I am attaching my message addressed yesterday to Prime Minister Abe, asking him to study a new timely proposal of Dr.Takumi Eguchi, a renowned expert of underground development and one of my close collaborators.When the Chernobyl Accident happened, he was asked the next day by the Soviet Government to stop the flowing of radioactive water into a nearby river, which he did with success.
He contacted me yesterday and made the following points.
- 1. More than 1000 tanks containing Fukushima contaminated water are menaced by approaching earthquakes, because the underground where they are placed is so fragile. The tower crane used in the operation of removing fuel rods from the unit 4 reactor needed as many as 200 anchors.
- 2. I am proposing to remove, for a certain period of time, all tanks and belongings to the vast subterranean passage of the Yakuki Mine of the Nittetsu Mining Company situated a few kilometers away from the site.
I pointed out in my message to PM Abe that Dr. Eguchi’s proposal enable us to gain time needed to find scientific solutions.
Please allow me to count on your understanding and support.
Mitsuhei Murata
Former Japanese Ambassador to Switzerland
Dear Friends,
I am informing you of an important development as regards the Fukushima contaminated water.
The Ministry of Economy and Industry has accepted to have Dr. Takumi Kudo come and meet the responsible official to explain his new proposal on February 20.
I am asked to attend the meeting.
I will remain in contact.
With warmest regards,
Mitsuhei Murata
Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2020 12:45 PM
Copy of Letter to Prime Minister Abe

We have just received this email from Murata-san reporting on his meeting with Japanese Government Officials yesterday:
I have the pleasure of informing you of the meeting on February 20 at the Ministry of Economy and Industry.
Dr. Takumi Eguchi and myself were received by Director Hiroshi Tsuchiya and his two assistants. The exchange of views lasted for about 80 minutes. It was friendly and fruitful.
As regards Dr.Eguchi’s proposal to remove all tanks to the subterranean passage, it was agreed that confirming the installation of sealing preventing the infiltration of highly heated contaminated water is the decisive factor.
Dr. Eguchi referred to the possibility of permanent storage of nuclear waste including debris in that passage. Director Tsuchiya showed interest in it and it was agreed to continue to study the matter together.
At the end of the meeting, I referred to the serious concern of the International Community about the possibility of the contaminated water being released into the sea and strongly urged Director Tsuchiya to find a solution.
Dr. Eguchi and myself were positively impressed with the meeting.
With warmest regards,
Mitsuhei Murata
Former Japanese Ambassador to Switzerland”
7 March 2020
We have received a further message from Murata-san, relating to the Atomic Olympics and the COVID-19 situation:
Dear Friends,
An outstanding Asian Statesman responded “ I think eventually your government may have to postpone the Olympics by a year or more.”
To this, I pointed out “Corona Virus may become harmless, but not radioactivity. Immorality needs correction.”
I have received the following reply. “Absolutely correct!”
With warmest regards,
Mitsuhei Murata