Opinion: Time for a Major Third Party

Opinion: Time for a Major Third Party
2018 ELECTIONS CONFIRM VOTER DESIRE FOR THIRD PARTY CHOICE The Libertarian Party is Now America’s Third Major Party Not such a good election for the “(G)OP” (that means “(formerly) Grand Old Party”) and the Demoncrats get to be led by one of the most out-of-touch crony pols of all times, Nancy Pelosi! For Libertarians, however, this was a great election. The Party announced significant voter results: “Gov.… Read the rest

Vax Lie Smoking Gun!

Vax Lie Smoking Gun!
Informed Consent Action Network v. United States Department of Health and Human Services (1:18-cv-03215) HUGE VICTORY: HHS Affirms ALL Vaccines are Illegal! Protect Yourself and Your Children https://tinyurl.com/AVDcard This Informed Consent FOIA case means all vaccine mandates are illegal because the drug companies and the government have failed to obey the law.  This means your Informed Consent right to refuse all vaccines is more important than ever before. … Read the rest

Funding Real Healthcare

Funding Real Healthcare
Help Get REAL Healthcare Paid For vs. Continue Funding Disease Care Making Health Insurers Follow the Rules https://fundly.com/support-natural-therapies Opinion by Ralph Fucetola JD Until it is not profitable for them to do so,  insurers will keep pushing drugs and surgeries on consumers as their only healthcare options.  The Affordable Care Act became law in January of 2014.  Section 2706 of this law prohibits health insurance payers from discriminating against any provider who is acting within their legal scope of practice.   … Read the rest

Have You Been a Victim of Digital Theft?

Have You Been a Victim of Digital Theft?
Hacker Shows How Easy To Steal Credit Card Numbers Criminals use RFID and NFC wireless communication to steal numbers The readers can be brought online or downloaded to phone via an app  They have to stand six inches away while a transaction is being made Within a matter of seconds, the technology can pick up and store data A $300 machine can then replicate the card so it can be used elsewhere It is estimated 70% cards will soon be vulnerable to digital pick pocketing Cards can be protected from RFID skimmers by being wrapped in tin foil For More Information Read Here: https://anonhq.com/rfid-hacking/… Read the rest

Stop Insurer Attacks on Holistic and Integrative Therapies!

Stop Insurer Attacks on Holistic and Integrative Therapies!
Making Health Insurers Comply with Provider Non-discrimination Legislation https://fundly.com/support-natural-therapies What if it was possible to make insurers stop denying claims for legally delivered alternatives to conventional medicine today? What if doing this would also address rising healthcare costs? With your help, we intend to attain these two goals by leveraging the legal defense for a provider who is otherwise going to be crushed by a Blue Cross Blue Shield Plan (that plan is Horizon).… Read the rest

A Million Tons of Radioactive Water

A Million Tons of Radioactive Water
Our correspondent in Japan, Hon. Mitsuhei Murata sends us this urgent message from Fukushima. We are reminded that the only moral option for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics is, as Murata-san has stated, “Honorable retreat and concentration on dealing with the continuing radiation crisis.” —————————— Dear Friends, The news about accumulated contaminated water at F1 surpassing nearly one million tons, including tritium and other numerous newly revealed radio-active elements like strontium and plutonium is shocking.… Read the rest

Ford vs Kavanaugh: It’s All in the Voice!

Ford vs Kavanaugh: It’s All in the Voice!
Sharry Edwards, MEd. is the creator of Human BioAcoustics™ and the system of Vocal Profiling™ that can be used to understand the emotional and truthfulness of statements made by public figures by analyzing stressed frequencies in vocal samples.  We present here her computer-generated analyses of two persons in the news, and leave it to you to make up your own mind about this classical example of “she said/he said.”… Read the rest

“Justice” By Denunciation

“Justice” By Denunciation
Individual Justice vs Social Justice The Denunciation — the public accusation of illegal or immoral behavior is a defining characteristic of totalitarian regimes, that can be used to pit various groups  against each other (“Identity Politics” [1]), with specific individuals being subjected to repression and even death without meaningful due process. “Historians examining the practice of denunciation have investigated contemporary debates over calumny and the limits of free speech, the de-individualization of the object of attack, and the impact of the period’s obsession with transparency on the conceptualization of the denounced individual.… Read the rest

Stop the Bannings! Sue the Deep State Corporate Shills

Stop the Bannings! Sue the Deep State Corporate Shills
SUING THE SOCIAL MEDIA FOR CENSORING SPEECH N. Rockwell – Freedom of Speech 2020 Update:  http://www.opensourcetruth.com/trump-issues-internet-censorship-policy-order/ While some might consider my expressed views* on what happened last month to Alex Jones and www.InfoWars.com, namely, being “banned” [a term that reminds me of the evils of Apartheid] by nearly all the major social media during one 24 hour period, a conspiracy theory, I assert that the evidence does support the theory that these major corporate actors were acting in concert and that their actions violated the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO)[1] and the 14th Amendment[2].  … Read the rest