‘Orders of Magnitude Higher Deaths
in the Vaccinated’:
Israel’s Vaccine Data Reveals a
Frightening Picture

Assert Your Right to Informed Consent
As reported by Green Med Info [1]:
In the article republished from Nakim.org, research is presented indicating orders of magnitude increases in death rates during the 5-week long vaccination process analyzed in Israel, as compared to the unvaccinated and those after completing the vaccination process.
On February 11 2021 Ynet (the most known Israeli News website) published a confused and confusing article entitled “Vaccination efficiency data in Israel, and its rapid effects on the young”. [2]
Our reanalyses of these data explain why during the massive vaccination project initiated mid-December 2020 during a confinement, daily new confirmed COVID-19 cases failed to decrease as they do during confinements, and, more importantly, why numbers of serious, critical and death cases increased during that period that covered at least one month. From mid-December to mid-February (two months), 2337 among all Israeli 5351 official COVID-deaths occurred. Our analyses indicate orders of magnitude increases in deaths rates during the 5-week long vaccination process, as compared to the unvaccinated and those after completing the vaccination process. Presumably, asymptomatic cases before vaccination, and those infected shortly after the 1st dose, tend to develop graver symptoms than those unvaccinated.
This report confirms similar reports from areas such as Gibraltar and Spain that have been posted here at Open Source Truth. OST articles on Vaxx Adverse Reactions can be found at the DontYouDare drop-down tab on OST, or linked directly from www.DontYouDare.me
We have published a scholarly paper [3] based on the United States Institutes of Medicine pre-COVID “vaccine” adverse reactions, which provide context that further supports the Nakim.org allegations regarding the extraordinary dangers of the COVID “vaccines.”
You have a choice! Your Universal Right of Informed Consent must be respected, especially for “Emergency Use Authorization” so-called “vaccines.”
Assert your Right!
[1] www.greenmedinfo.com/blog/orders-magnitude-higher-deaths-vaccinated-israels-vaccine-data-reveals-frightenin1
[2] www.ynet.co.il/news/article/rJ9Bs0zW00
[3] www.inhere.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/JSHO-IOM-vaccine-safety-paper.2019.pdf