Lost Arts Radio Show #10 – Special Guests Harold Sexson & Paul Harding

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Harold Sexson and Paul Harding: Essential Oil Healing Tools, Healing and Harmful Frequencies Explored

Lost Arts Radio Show on Saturday 3/14/15

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9pm EST / 6pm PST

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Harold SexsonHarold Sexson (www.naturesoils.net) is a Certified Biofeedback Specialist, Aroma Therapist, Licensed Spiritual Health Coach as well as a Diplomat and Fellow of the College of Energy Medicine. His background in engineering and aerospace has given him a unique perspective on energy and its many effects on body energetics. He owns Natures Oils, LLC, a company which provides energized organic essential oils and custom oil blends.

Paul Harding started Total EMF Solutions (www.totalemfsolutions.com) as a fight for his life. He experienced “microwave sickness” after a smart meter was installed on his bedroom wall in the beginning of 2011. The effects vanished once he started sleeping in an area that was in a natural setting. He got rid of his TV, and researched some of the thousands of studies showing the biological effects electromagnetic or EMF has on the cell.

Paul HardingAfter purchasing the proper scientific equipment, he was able to help others to solve their EMF-related problems in their homes or workplace. As word of mouth spread, he decided to offer his services as a professional consultant. He does not heal people, but their bodies have often done that on their own, once his clients have chosen to protect themselves and take proper defensive measures.

Saturday’s show will be an inside look at two types of frequencies, one beneficial and the other harmful to the human body, as well as a presentation of one class of natural therapies that most of us know little about, the world of essential oils. In the weeks to come, in addition to our educational shows on health hazards, we will continue to highlight various natural approaches to health that can be used by anyone to improve their own condition without the risk of harm that many invasive and drug-centered therapies involve.

Lost Arts Radio invites you to join us for our free health-related educational broadcasts every week. We want to acknowledge and understand the threats we face, while keeping our energy strong, and then come together with positive solutions that can work for you. Join host Richard Sacks every week for fascinating discussions and useful information that you will not want to miss.

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