Lost Arts Radio Show #229 – Special Guest Mads Palsvig

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Mads Palsvig Runs For Parliament: When Good People Are Willing To Serve

Lost Arts Radio Show on Sunday 5/12/19

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9pm EST / 6pm PST

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Mads Palsvig

At Lost Arts Radio, we’re always on the lookout for inspiring people in positions of power in government or in corporations. People willing to take these positions, for the purpose of actually helping and serving all those who are affected by what their organizations do, could help heal the world. The inner work a person does to become more in line with inner guidance and Spirit can be brought right down to the physical level in this way, not only by those in office, but by every one of us in our daily lives. Who we are comes out in what we do, every thought, word, action and interaction is colored by who we have become in our inner work that we are doing all the time, hopefully consciously as we live our lives.Mads Palsvig speaking to a gathering of people

Mads Palsvig (for Americans, it’s pronounced “mass palsvee”) is a former investment banker who understands much of how the power structure works, and how those in it could help heal, instead of destroy, life on our planet. He is running to become a Member of Parliament (MP) in Denmark (www.twitter.com/palsvig and www.facebook.com/mads.palsvig). Mads agreed to be on Lost Arts Radio’s Sunday guest show this weekend, and I think you’ll want to hear what he has to say.

While it is critically important to maintain the sovereignty of each one of our separate countries, it is equally essential we realize our basic unity as people everywhere. Everything one of us does affects all the others, regardless of physical “distance.” We are in truth one family, this is not some nice-feeling imagination, it is true. At an even deeper level, we are forms of one Being, made of the Essene of unlimited Love, temporarily seeing itself through the prism of programmed Mind, which is where the conflict originates. But we have another potential, the opposite of the fear and conflict we have come to see as normal. It is not. Every time a person with some realization of what this means gets consciously into public service, it is a reminder to us of what things on our planet could be like. You are invited to meet Mads on this Sundays guest show. I’ll see you there.

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Finally, don’t forget our news show on national and world events, for one hour every week at 7:30pm EST / 4:30pm PST, called Lost Arts Radio Live (www.lostartsradio.com/live). It’s where we look at some events of the past week, and what the significance is for your life and for the future of our world. After “Lost Arts Radio Live” is a half-hour break, followed by our weekly meeting of the Planetary Healing Club, which you can join for a minimum donation of just $25/month at www.planetaryhealingclub.com. Meet me there when you’re ready to transform your experience of life for the better.

Richard Sacks, Host


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