Lost Arts Radio Show #360 – Special Guest Jarome Bell

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Congressional Candidate Tells The Truth – Jarome Bell: What Future Will You Choose?

Lost Arts Radio Show on Sunday 11/14/21

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9pm EST / 6pm PST

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Jarome Bell

Once you get the emotional strength to look at where humanity stands in history right now, and you understand that we are facing a coordinated assault against all species of life on our planet, then if you care about the quality of life in the future for us, for the kids, for generations to come, you look for any signs of hope we could turn this situation around. One of the things I look for is any people in political office, or in other positions of power, who show signs of being human, and maybe even some awareness of what is going on in our world and what needs to be done to avoid disaster. I consider it to be a big deal when I encounter a person like that, and naturally it makes me want to help them become known, and get them as much support and appreciation as possible.

One such person I met earlier this year is Chief Jarome Bell, a Congressional candidate from Virginia’s 2nd District (www.jaromebellforcongress.com). Jarome is a 27-year Navy veteran, retired as Chief Petty Officer. He describes himself as an America First Conservative Republican, carrying on the movement started by President Trump to make America great again. Actually, the positions Chief Bell holds on many critical issues should be non-partisan, obvious to any American with common sense. Positions like stopping the massive flood of illegal immigration, ending election fraud, which is rampant in America and probably in most of the world, ending government funding of the murder of babies before and after birth, putting a stop to government corruption and cutting its size and operations back to legitimate constitutional limits that are clearly spelled out, but ignored by almost all of our current elected officials.

Of course, even the best of political leaders cannot save a country from ruin without an awake, morally-sound population. But in American today we have neither. Instead, we have a leadership directed by globally-coordinated Evil, and a population only just beginning to show some signs of regaining its sanity. Great leaders with the spirit and awareness of Chief Bell could help the rest of us wake up faster, maybe even fast enough to avert disaster and make America a living example for people everywhere to make their countries great too. A future built on individual freedoms, unalienable and granted by God, respect, love and cooperation between people and independent countries alike, is still possible, if we make the effort now and it spreads across the world. Like the classic Byrds song said, “A time for peace, I swear it’s not too late.” Come meet Jarome with me on this Sunday’s show.

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Richard Sacks, Host


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