Lost Arts Radio Show #406 – Special Guest Jordan Mason

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An Ethical Political Consultant Talks CBDC’s – Meet Jordan Mason Of Freedom Caucus

Lost Arts Radio Show on Sunday 4/2/23

Listen online: www.blogtalkradio.com/lostartsradio





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9pm EST / 6pm PST

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Jordan Mason

The ongoing global assault against humanity and all life on our planet has many facets. Medicine, education, entertainment, science, agriculture, telecommunications and many more aspects of our world have been weaponized against us. Money and the financial system are supposed to be tools to help us live better and turn the fruits of our labor into a form that optimizes freedom, convenience and safety. The Founders of America, working on the premise of the unalienable rights of people everywhere (not just for Americans), and that legitimate governments exist ONLY to protect individual rights and freedoms, made gold and silver the only official money of the new country. They declined to establish or authorize a central bank. People were free to barter or trade privately in any commodity or currency they might feel worked best for them.

As people of evil intent who wanted to misuse power gradually infiltrated government and corporate positions of power, the financial system became an increasingly effective tool of deception, theft and enslavement. Gold and silver-backed money, with its stable purchasing power, was replaced by intrinsically worthless fiat currency. A central, privately-owned bank, authorized to print and control as much of this worthless paper as need to steal real value from the people, was put in control of the enslavement system, following orders from bosses in the shadows above them.

Now the criminal controllers would like to take the financial enslavement system to the next level, figuring that the American people are sufficiently dumbed-down, distracted and mentally ill, so they won’t understand or even try to resist. The name of this next-level enslavement is called Central Bank Digital Currency (“CBDC”).

Jordan Mason (https://statefreedomcaucus.org/) is a Navy veteran and freedom-oriented political consultant who understands all of the above. His work with the freedom caucus encourages and helps representatives of both parties to serve the people instead of the slave-masters. Jordan has agreed to discuss CBDC’s on Lost Arts Radio and you are invited to join us this weekend to learn why this next move by our rulers must not happen.

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Finally, don’t forget our news show on national and world events, for one hour every week at 7:30pm EST / 4:30pm PST, called Lost Arts Radio Live (www.lostartsradio.com/live). It’s where we look at some events of the past week, and what the significance is for your life and for the future of our world. After “Lost Arts Radio Live” is a half-hour break, followed by our weekly meeting of the Planetary Healing Club, which you can join for a minimum donation of just $25/month at www.planetaryhealingclub.com. Meet me there when you’re ready to transform your experience of life for the better.

Richard Sacks, Host


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