Lost Arts Radio Show #82 – Special Guests Barrie Trower and the Brave Baldy Team

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Q&A with Barrie Trower, plus Brave Baldy Team Blocks Cell Tower

Lost Arts Radio Show on Sunday 8/21/16

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9pm EST / 6pm PST

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Barrie TrowerOn this Sunday’s show, Barrie Trower returns to Lost Arts Radio, to begin answering the wide array of questions our listeners sent in since Barrie’s last appearance on the show. As a world-class expert in microwave weapons technology, Barrie has given us the benefit of his insight and technical knowledge of wi-fi and microwave technologies in general on several previous shows. When he last visited with us May 29th, Barrie made a special request to know what questions our listeners had in mind. Now we have an extensive list of those, covering all aspects of microwave communications technologies and their associated health impact, and we are sure Barrie’s answers will provide us with educational and actionable information to help us each deal with the EMF pollution that is now everywhere in our environment.

After speaking with Barrie Trower, we will turn our focus to a local group that has courageously taken the initiative to stop the installation of a cell tower by a major telecommunications provider, because of the harm to people living in their community. “Keep Baldy Wild” (www.keepbaldywild.com), a tiny Southern California activist group, has fought for more than four years to force Verizon to relocate the proposed tower to a safer location. Their adventures and what they have learned along the way in this project could serve as an inspiring example, to help others all over America and other parts of the world, who might be wondering what they can do right where they live, to resist the unlimited deployment of cell towers right where they can do the most damage. Stephen, Allison and Katy (last names withheld) will share with us what can happen when local people get together and say “enough” to the global corporations eager to expand their health-destroying projects at any cost.

Join me, your host Richard Sacks, every week for fascinating discussions, amazing guests and useful information that you will not want to miss. If you want to support the work of Lost Arts Research Institute, please donate to our efforts at www.lostartsresearchinstitute.org, and tell others about the show. On the radio show website (www.lostartsradio.com) you will find links to the radio show archives, our articles, educational resources, announcements, and other features you will enjoy and learn from. Also on that site, be sure to sign up for our free newsletter. Our other site, (www.lostartsresearchinstitute.org), will deal with the work and larger project of the research Institute, which we hope you will support with donations that are now 100% tax deductible. That is the information we will get to talk about with you on the new Saturday morning radio show (11am EST / 8am PST on www.blogtalkradio.com/lostartsradio).

Thanks for being part of our family and we look forward to being with you on our next show. Feel free to communicate your comments and suggestions to me any time – I will read them all and respond as time permits.

Richard Sacks, Host


Downloadable files from Barrie Trower:
Wi-Fi — A Thalidomide in the Making. Who Cares?

Archive of show