According to the following opinion piece, the covid vaccines are highly safe and effective and that personal medical freedom is debunked merely because one Donald Trump has gotten one of these jabs. Wow. Logic really has gone the way of the dodo bird. –editor’s note
“The bogus argument about “medical personal choice” just happens to be the law of the land. Given that the US has ratified the Geneva Convention, the laws contained in it are the controlling law of the United States (and every other country which has ratified this nearly universally ratified treaty). Assuming that it is important to you, Rep. Malinowski, President BIden, Dr. Fauci and others, your option is to remove the United States from the Geneva Convention. Absent that, every person in the US has the Right of Informed Consent if they assert it properly. You may recall that the Subsequent Nuremberg Trials, conducted by the US after the better-known Nuremberg Trials, were also known as “The Doctors’ Trials” – resulted in not only the imprisonment of a large number of Nazi doctors, but the execution of 13 of them. Their crime? Depriving their victims of their Right of Informed Consent. Clearly, it made sense to the Nazis and the German people to persecute those seen as unacceptable to them but it was, in fact, an unthinkably horrible crime against humanity, morality, and decency. No amount of pro-jab propaganda can justify doing the same to those deemed “unfit” by virtue of their exercise of the Right of Informed Consent. The so-called vaccines are STILL in poorly controlled, badly designed and fraudulently reported-out “Clinical Trials” and have vast medical and reproductive adverse event numbers associated with their use. Punishing people who choose to use their bodies differently is illegal, immoral and ill advised. Fervor is no substitute for freedom. Screeds are no substitute for science. And, to quote the wise and prescient statement of Maj. Gen. Albert N. Stubblebine III (US Army, Deceased), “Informed Consent is the defining issue of the 21st Century.” So it is. I know where I stand: Which side are you on?” — Rima E Laibow MD Medical Director Natural Solutions Foundation Telegram/OpenSourceTruth PS: That right can be properly asserted through the use of the Advance Vaccine Directive Card which you can easily search for online. REL
To end this pandemic, we all must be vaccinated against COVID-19

President Joe Biden acknowledged how we all feel: Americans are tired, worried, and frustrated about this seemingly never-ending pandemic. And he explained for the majority who are fully vaccinated and have planned or already received the booster shot “you have much, much less reason to worry. You have a high degree of protection against severe illness…We should all be concerned about Omicron but not panicked. ”
But what struck out most to us was when he told the unvaccinated that “it’s your patriotic duty” to get the free vaccine as they “have an obligation to yourselves, to your family, and, quite frankly…to your country.”
While cases are rising, research shows that hospitalizations are overwhelmingly of those unvaccinated. This is causing another wave that is stressing our frontline hero nurses and doctors again as well as causing hospitals across the U.S. to be overrun.
The bogus argument about “medical personal choice” is easily deflated by pointing out among those prominently preaching this viewpoint have themselves received the booster—starting with Donald Trump. We note with gratitude his recent willingness to promote the vaccine as being safe and pushing back on those who have campaign against it.
The frustration you hear in people’s voices is a result of the patchwork rules and enforcement for public health protocols. Private employers and businesses are too often forced into an adversarial role with patrons because there is no unanimity from state to state, county to county, and city to city.
We applaud the requirements in Newark and New York that anyone entering a restaurant must be vaccinated. Now those looking to enjoy a meal with family and friends can do so without worry that they will get severely sick.
As we start the New Year, we believe the time has come for adjustments of how to deal with COVID with an eye to rewarding those who have done everything the right way—getting the vaccine and the booster shot, getting tested and wearing a mask.
Going forward, being vaccinated should be the price to pay for admission to be part of our society. As Rep. Tom Malinowski said it perfectly to us recently, “We could use a dose of personal freedom mixed with personal responsibility.”
That includes means testing when it comes to government support. If you lose your job or become sick because of your personal choice to not use a safe vaccine that works, you should not receive any type of financial support from the government.
Some would say this is too harsh. We disagree because we have means testing for government programs—such as having to look for work when you are unemployed—already.
Plus, private companies have started enacting these policies. Kroger recently informed employees it will no longer provide two weeks of paid emergency leave for unvaccinated employees who contract COVID-19 and will add a $50 monthly surcharge to company health plans for unvaccinated managers and other nonunion employees effective Jan. 1, 2022.
This is not Spring of 2020 again. We have vaccines, we have proven behaviors that lessen the chance of spread and it appears over-the-counter medicines will be available sooner rather than later.
But the waves of this insidious virus will not stop unless we follow the historical roadmap that has stomped out viruses that have previously posed a public health crisis—getting vaccinated. If you choose not to, the majority of Americans have the right to restrict your freedoms to ensure our own health.