Alcohol And Cancer: New Research Demonstrates Direct Links Between Alcohol Consumption And Several Kinds Of Cancer

Alcohol And Cancer: New Research Demonstrates Direct Links Between Alcohol Consumption And Several Kinds Of Cancer
Booze And Cancer: Seven Kinds Of Cancer Can Be Directly Linked To Alcohol Consumption–Even On A Moderate Level Bad news for boozers: a new study has linked alcohol consumption–even on a moderate level–with seven different kinds of cancer. The study was published in the journal Addiction, and draws the conclusion that there is more than a link or statistical connection that could be explained away by chance or some other reason.… Read the rest

Better Make It A Double: Scientists Isolate Neurons That Tell You To Stop Drinking Alcohol

Better Make It A Double: Scientists Isolate Neurons That Tell You To Stop Drinking Alcohol
One For My Baby, And One For The Road: Neurons That Inform You To Quit Drinking Identified You know that voice inside your head, the one that only speaks up when you’ve had too much to drink? It’s the voice that says. “Hey, have one more! Why not?” Well, now that voice has a new counterpart: according to one study, a group of scientists say they have identified a particular neuron that, once it is turned on, can help you stop drinking alcohol.… Read the rest

Nutritional Help if You Have Normal Lab Tests But You’re Still Hypothyroid

Nutritional Help if You Have Normal Lab Tests But You’re Still Hypothyroid
Still Have Low Thyroid Symptoms With Normal Labs? The Answer Could Be Nutritional Large numbers of people suffer from low thyroid function for a number of reasons.  And the symptoms are legion: Low body temperature Coarse and thinning hair Dry skin Brittle nails A yellowish tint to the skin Slow body movements Cold skin Inability to tolerate cold Feeling tired, sluggish, or weak Memory problems Depression Concentration problems Constipation Heavy or irregular menstrual periods that may last longer than 5 to 7 days Goiter (enlarged thyroid gland (goiter) Modest weight gain, often 10 lb (4.5 kg) or less Horseness Muscle aches and cramps Facial puffiness, especially around the eyes Swelling of the Arms Hands Legs Feet Hoarseness Conventional doctors will tell you “Thyroid hormone medicine is the only effective way to treat hypothyroidism.”* … Read the rest