Escape From The Alcatraz Of Aquaculture: How Fish Farm Escapees Are Changing The Ecosystem Permanently
No matter how many times humanity is taught certain lessons we never really seem to learn. Our history abounds with examples where we tried to control or alter the delicate balance of nature to better benefit humankind, for example the introduction of the mongoose to the Hawaiian islands at the height of the plantation era in the mid 1800s, ostensibly to kill the native tree rats that threatened the sugarcane and the profits of the planter class.… Read the rest
Tag: birds
Disturbing Environmental News From British Columbia: Seabird Deaths Raise Alarm About Looming Wider Environmental Disaster
Pacific Seabird Deaths From Chile To Canada: Is Larger Environmental Disaster In The Offing?
When volunteers patrolling beaches near Victoria, British Columbia in Canada found one or two dead rhinoceros auklets in years past, it was considered something worth noting, but not anything terribly unusual. Life is hard out there for an auklet, a relative of the puffin that migrates annually from Alaska to California, and is often found nesting on Vancouver Island in the winter months.… Read the rest