Making The Whole Grain Switch: Some Amazing Benefits Of Eating Whole Grains

Making The Whole Grain Switch: Some Amazing Benefits Of Eating Whole Grains
Whole Grain Goodness: Why You Should Switch To Whole Grains If You Haven’t Already With all the dietary recommendations out there, it is easy to get confused. It seems like every day there is some new breakthrough discovery, or unearthing of a long-lost indigenous plant that is the cure for whatever happens to be ailing you. One recommendation that is pretty much universally agreed upon is that we need whole grains in our diet–and with good reason.… Read the rest

The Gluten-Free Fad Doesn’t Seem To Be Going Away, So Here Are Some Facts You Should Keep Straight

The Gluten-Free Fad Doesn’t Seem To Be Going Away, So Here Are Some Facts You Should Keep Straight
Gluten-Free And Misconception-Free: Dispelling A Few Myths About Gluten So you’re thinking about jumping on the gluten-free bandwagon, are you? Read one too many stories about this or that celebrity who claims to have lost weight by cutting carbs? Perhaps you’ve just simply given up on living a normal life because you have an annoying co-worker who won’t shut up about being gluten-free, and you figure, hey, if you can’t beat them, join them.… Read the rest

Antioxidant a Bread Boon to Diabetics: Lower Blood Sugar

Antioxidant a Bread Boon to Diabetics: Lower Blood Sugar
What if bread did not cause blood sugar to rise in diabetics? Although gluten might still be an issue, the opportunity to eat break without an unhealthy rise in blood sugar would be welcome to a lot of people. Professor Zhou Weibiao of  National University of Singapore have created a bread formula that does just that: by adding a plant pigment from black rice,  anthocyanin, they were able to slow digestion rates by 12.8% with just 1% anthrocyanin.… Read the rest