Marijuana Arrests Still Outnumber Those For Violent Crime, Especially Among African-Americans

Marijuana Arrests Still Outnumber Those For Violent Crime, Especially Among African-Americans
Legalize It Already: Police Continue Prioritizing Weed Arrests, Especially Among African-Americans The U.S. has a long and checkered relationship with cannabis. The early drafts of the U.S. Constitution were famously written on hemp paper, and founding fathers like Thomas Jefferson and George Washington even grew it. Yet in the 1930s one man’s crusade against marijuana–using it as a not at all subtle cudgel with which to persecute Mexicans and black people–turned weed into a cash crop of another kind: for law enforcement.… Read the rest

As DEA Clings To Reefer Madness Past For Drug Laws For Citizens, They Have Also Opened The Door For Big Pharma

As DEA Clings To Reefer Madness Past For Drug Laws For Citizens, They Have Also Opened The Door For Big Pharma
DEA Sends Mixed Signals Over Weed–Throwing A Huge Bone To Big Pharma To Monetize It To get all the benefits of marijuana without the smoke or legal worries, Visit for pure CBC products at great prices! Of all the disappointments and broken promises of the Obama era–failing to promote single-payer health care, failure to end the Wars in Iraq and Afganistan, failure at closing Guantanamo (within his first year!),… Read the rest

DEA Raids Legal Marijuana Dispensary And Seizes Medicinal Cannabis Oil, Raising More Questions About Legal Gray Area

DEA Raids Legal Marijuana Dispensary And Seizes Medicinal Cannabis Oil, Raising More Questions About Legal Gray Area
DEA Levels Felony Drug Manufacture Charges Against A Legal Cannabis Oil Maker–Raises Questions About A Legal Gray Area As states like Colorado, Washington and California sort out the growing pains of marijuana legalization there have been numerous conflicts with law enforcement at all levels, clinging as they do to their outdated Just Say No and Zero Tolerance mindset. A few years back it took President Obama himself telling the DEA to back off from its raids on legal pot shops to get them to cut it out–and even then they defied him and kept it up for some time after.… Read the rest