The 162,000 dog owners--as compared with over 3 million non-dog owners—turned out to be less likely to die either of cardiovascular disease or all causes. The relationships were even more pronounced for people who lived alone.
Tag: Cardiovascular Disease
Cutting Fresh Fruit/Veggie Cost $1.50/Day to Save 200,000 Lives Over 15 Years Say Tufts, UK Researchers.
Antioxidant a Bread Boon to Diabetics: Lower Blood Sugar
What if bread did not cause blood sugar to rise in diabetics? Although gluten might still be an issue, the opportunity to eat break without an unhealthy rise in blood sugar would be welcome to a lot of people. Professor Zhou Weibiao of National University of Singapore have created a bread formula that does just that: by adding a plant pigment from black rice, anthocyanin, they were able to slow digestion rates by 12.8% with just 1% anthrocyanin.… Read the rest