America’s Strange War On Ivermectin

America’s Strange War On Ivermectin
By Neenah Payne Dr. Pierre Kory, a lung and ER MD who is Associate Professor of Medicine St. Luke’s Aurora Medical Center, testified in the Senate hearings Early Outpatient Treatment: An Essential Part of a COVID-19 Solution and  Early Outpatient Treatment: An Essential Part of a COVID-19 Solution, Part II held November 29-December 3, 2020. Dr. Kory is the President of the Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC).… Read the rest

Lia Thomas’ Teammate Says School Pressured Athletes Into Silence: If ‘You Say Anything Negative…Your Life Will Be Over’

Lia Thomas’ Teammate Says School Pressured Athletes Into Silence: If ‘You Say Anything Negative…Your Life Will Be Over’
A former teammate of transgender swimmer Lia Thomas said the University of Pennsylvania relied on threats and bullying to keep the women’s team in line. The female swimmer appeared in The Daily Wire’s “What is a Woman?” documentary, in which commentator Matt Walsh goes on an “often comical, yet deeply disturbing journey, as he fearlessly questions the logic behind a gender ideology movement that has taken aim at women and children,” according to the film’s web page.… Read the rest

Facebook censors Marsha Blackburn for saying, ‘Biological men have no place in women’s sports’

Facebook censors Marsha Blackburn for saying, ‘Biological men have no place in women’s sports’
CHRIS PANDOLFO | May 20, 2022 Facebook has censored Tennessee Republican Sen. Marsha Blackburn after she posted that gender-dysphoric male athletes should not compete in women’s sports. “Biological men have no place in women’s sports,” Blackburn wrote in a post shared to her personal Facebook page. It linked to a donation website that encouraged her supporters to “fight back against Big Tech censorship” by adding their names to her campaign email list and making a contribution, Fox News reported.… Read the rest

In A Sea Of Unhealthy Choices, Some Are Worse For You Than Others: Foods To Avoid At All Cost

In A Sea Of Unhealthy Choices, Some Are Worse For You Than Others: Foods To Avoid At All Cost
Swimming In Unhealthy Food Choices, But Here Are Some Things To Avoid To Keep From Drowning It’s almost laughable how horrible for you the food is in a typical western diet. Or at least it would be laughable if it weren’t so tragic. You can’t drive down a main street in any U.S. town without being inundated with brightly colored signs advertising all manner of junk food–and that’s just the restaurants.… Read the rest

Frightening New Report: Malaria Drug May Cause Brain Damage That Mimics Symptoms of PTSD

Frightening New Report: Malaria Drug May Cause Brain Damage That Mimics Symptoms of PTSD
Malaria and PTSD: How An Anti-Malarial Drug Might Be The Cause Of Many Soldiers’ PTSD Symptoms A frightening new case study has come to light on a military servicemember who was diagnosed with PTSD, but who is now thought to be suffering brain damage suffered as a result of an anti-malarial drug he was given. The implications for a thousands of soldiers similarly diagnosed after 9/11 could shake the military medical community to its very core.… Read the rest

Why Are You Pushing, Doc? Eight Reasons Your Doctor Insists On Giving Your Child Vaccines

Why Are You Pushing, Doc? Eight Reasons Your Doctor Insists On Giving Your Child Vaccines
Some Common Reasons Your Doctor Pushes For Vaccines–And Some You May Not Know About We are taught from a young age to trust doctors. Like the images of friendly policemen and noble firemen, doctors are usually portrayed in our collective consciousness as kindly, benevolent characters who only went into medicine out a strong desire to help humanity. Unfortunately, while there are of course many doctors who fit this stereotype, they are just as human as the rest of us.… Read the rest

This Could Change Everything: How A New Study Might Overturn Everything We Thought We Knew About Opioids And Pain Management

This Could Change Everything: How A New Study Might Overturn Everything We Thought We Knew About Opioids And Pain Management
Flipping The Script: How A New Study May Overturn Centuries Of Thought On Opioids And Pain Management Opioids have been used by humans in one form or another since literally the dawn of time, at least the dawn of recorded, human time. The poppy was known as a painkiller in ancient civilizations, with everyone from ancient Sumerians and Assyrians to ancient Egyptians, Romans and eventually Chinese at one time or another taking part in using the opium poppy for recreational as well as pain relief purposes.… Read the rest

Looking For Drugs In All The Wrong Places: Survey Finds 100 Percent Of Streams And Waterways Tested Contain Pharmaceuticals

Looking For Drugs In All The Wrong Places: Survey Finds 100 Percent Of Streams And Waterways Tested Contain Pharmaceuticals
Hey Drug Warriors, You’re Looking In The Wrong Places: Pharmaceuticals Found In 100 Percent Of US Streams Tested Remember in old cartoons and sitcoms how hapless fishermen would sometimes haul up an old boot from the depths of a stream or lake to symbolize his or her ineptitude and the filthiness of their fishing holes? Always good for a laugh on Saturday morning cartoons.… Read the rest

Alarming New Study Concludes That Antidepressants Are Ineffective For Children And Adolescents, Possibly Even Harmful

Alarming New Study Concludes That Antidepressants Are Ineffective For Children And Adolescents, Possibly Even Harmful
Depressing News: Antidepressants May Not Be Effective On Children And Teens, Possibly Even Harmful It always seems like these days we have to make horrendous, widespread mistakes affecting millions of people before we wake up and figure out the harm we are doing: fracking, glyphosate, and Iraq are just a few examples. These may seem like diverse and unrelated situations, but the pattern holds true: we are sold a bill of goods by slick marketing people assuring us that they and only they possess the sure-fire, can’t-miss cure-all for what ails us.… Read the rest