Your Taxpayer Dollars At Work: UC-Davis Fighting Release Of Records Pertaining To GMO Work It Did

Your Taxpayer Dollars At Work: UC-Davis Fighting Release Of Records Pertaining To GMO Work It Did
California Role: UC-Davis Tries To Cover Up Its Role In GMO Research In Tandem With Big Agrichem Corps Funny thing about open records requests: when they pertain to something potentially embarrassing or illegal, they suddenly become much, much harder to comply with. That is the situation consumer rights activist group U.S. Right to Know has found itself up against in an ongoing fight with the University of California at Davis over records pertaining to the university’s close ties with big agrichem giants like Monsanto and work the university’s employees may or may not have done on genetically modified crop research.… Read the rest

Genetically Modified Canola Produces More Omega-3s–But Causes Deformities In Butterflies

Genetically Modified Canola Produces More Omega-3s–But Causes Deformities In Butterflies
GMO Canola And Camelina Produces Alarming Deformities In Butterflies. Its getting harder and harder to keep up with all the chemicals that are sprayed on our food sources. Monsanto’s glyphosate-based Roundup herbicide has been in the news lately as scientists learn more and more about the damage it can do to humans and the ecosystem as a whole. Same with pesticides; the more we learn about neonicotinoids and the harm they do to pollinating insects, birds, and humans, the more people are sounding the alarm around the world.… Read the rest