As School Year Set To Begin, Utah And Other States Finding Vaccine Refusal Rates Climbing, Cite Education As Key Motivating Factor

As School Year Set To Begin, Utah And Other States Finding Vaccine Refusal Rates Climbing, Cite Education As Key Motivating Factor
Education Is The Key: Utah And Other States Find Vaccine Refusal Rates Climbing; Both Sides Cite Education As the new school year is upon us, more and more stories are coming out about vaccinations and the kids whose parents refuse to get them vaccinated prior to starting class. Many parents cite reasons ranging from religious objections, to health objections–for instance if a child has an allergy that could be triggered by a vaccine–and also personal objections.… Read the rest

Thanks But No Thanks: Polls Show Declining Support For Mandatory HPV Vaccines

Thanks But No Thanks: Polls Show Declining Support For Mandatory HPV Vaccines
Despite Marketing And Health Authorities Push, Polls Find Declining Support For Mandatory HPV Vaccines You Can Say NO to Vaccine Mandates Here: A recent ABC story took a decidedly sour tone recently when reporting on the decline in parental support for mandatory HPV vaccines, citing poll numbers that show a clear trend toward people preferring to opt out of the vaccine if they so choose, or at least to have the option.… Read the rest

Chronic Fatigue and HPV Vaccinations: One Doctor In Japan Thinks He Has Proof-Positive Of A Link Between The Two

Chronic Fatigue and HPV Vaccinations: One Doctor In Japan Thinks He Has Proof-Positive Of A Link Between The Two
Shocking Proof: Japanese Doctor Presents Proof of HPV Vaccine/Chronic Fatigue Link You Can Say NO to Vaccine Mandates Here: The results are in, whether or not Big Pharma and its cheerleaders want to admit it: something is very wrong with the HPV vaccination. We can reach this conclusion not only be honestly examining the shady, shortcut process by which the vaccines Gardasil and Cervarix were pushed through the approval process at the Centers for Disease Control.… Read the rest

Colombia latest nation to step up in the fight against poisonous HPV vaxx

Colombia latest nation to step up in the fight against poisonous HPV vaxx
Injured Colombian girls latest victims to stand up and fight in criminal HPV vaxx scheme The Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccine is in the news once again as communities in Colombia are demanding explanations for a group of HPV vaccine-injured girls there. In a Bogota hearing the girls told of fainting spells, muscle weakness and pain after their HPV vaccinations. The Ministry of Health and the Secretary of Education of Bogotá began a program of official vaccination days in schools throughout the city in early 2013, administering the vaccine to thousands of children and adolescents.… Read the rest