Roguski Reveals Russia WHO Empowerment

Roguski Reveals Russia WHO Empowerment
MUST SHARE REVELATION! Fight Back Here: This urgent revelation is from researcher James Roguski’s analysis of the 307 amendments proposed for the International Health Regulations (IHR) The proposed amendments to article 4 that were submitted by Russia would require nations to enact legislation to give authority to the “national IHR focal point” to implement the obligations under the regulations. “NEW (1bis).… Read the rest

Speaking Truth to Power: Sample WHO Letter

Speaking Truth to Power:  Sample WHO Letter
Push Back Works! Use this Generic Letter to  Contact Your Representatives Here is the suggested letter: Dear Representative [Member of Congress; Member of Parliament, etc.] It is urgently important that you use the powers of your office to protect the independence and sovereignty of our nation and its people from threats contained in the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR), documented here:… Read the rest

Fact Checkers desperately try to contain fallout of Biden’s WHO regulation amendments

Fact Checkers desperately try to contain fallout of Biden’s WHO regulation amendments
Two damage control “fact checker” websites each wrote pages, one after the next, for WHO-control proponents to share with dissidents in a lame attempt to circle around the reality of the world these amendments could have created. If it wasn’t sovereignty, its a wonder why all the amendments were vetoed or changed by its members. Be advised, a working group is assembling in November to game plan getting these back on the agenda for next summer.… Read the rest

DEFUND the W.H.O. ???

DEFUND the W.H.O. ???
Stellar interview with Valerie Borek of STAND FOR HEALTH FREEDOM covering how to Defund the W.H.O., the International Health Regulations (I.H.R.), and the Global Pandemic Treaty. In just 30 minutes Borek is able to break down very complex topics into easy understandable information. See also, videos, photos and music from New York Freedom Rally’s protest at the United Nations. Watch here at Children’s Health Defense.… Read the rest

WHO power-grab targeted in new Senate bill

WHO power-grab targeted in new Senate bill
Reacting to the Biden administration’s effort to give the World Health Organization the unilateral authority to declare a health emergency in the United States, Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., has introduced legislation ensuring the Senate has power over any pandemic treaty. The No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act, which has 15 Senate cosponsors, would require any agreement produced by the WHO to be submitted to the Senate as a treaty.… Read the rest

Huge WIN! WHO withdraws 12 Biden ‘sovereignty’ amendments amid fierce opposition

Huge WIN! WHO withdraws 12 Biden ‘sovereignty’ amendments amid fierce opposition
Biden proposals cede authority to U.N. agency during health ’emergencies’ Amid charges of ceding U.S. sovereignty to the World Health Organization, 12 of the 13 amendments submitted by the Biden administration for a vote in the World Health Assembly this week in Geneva have been removed from consideration. The amendments were publicized only last month, and it was the advocacy of independent researcher James Roguski that alerted the public to the implications for U.S.… Read the rest

U.S. Plan to Amend International Health Regulations Hands Over More Power to WHO

U.S. Plan to Amend International Health Regulations Hands Over More Power to WHO
YOUR MESSAGES TO CONGRESS STILL NEEDED TELL USA DECISION MAKERS: DON’T YOU DARE! Support Health Freedom Here: Amendments proposed by the U.S. to the 2005 International Health Regulations, the most important multilateral treaty regulating the global architecture for health emergency, preparedness, response and resilience, could have far-reaching implications, experts warn. The upcoming 75th World Health Assembly (WHA) to be held in Geneva from May 22 – 28 could adopt far-reaching amendments to the 2005 International Health Regulations (IHR).… Read the rest