Medical “Science” Gets It Wrong – AGAIN! Don’t Finish That Antibiotic RX!

Medical “Science” Gets It Wrong – AGAIN! Don’t Finish That Antibiotic RX!
The idea of completing antibiotics courses is deeply embedded in doctors and patients.  Natural Health advocates have said for decades that it is unscientific and dangerous.  They were right. The longer antibiotic exposure continues, the bigger the foothold resistant species will gain. These resistant strains can be transmitted directly between people who have no symptoms of illness. Rima E. Laibow, MD August 3, 2017 Newsmax Health made this informative and important article available to the general public.… Read the rest

Startling Finding Reveals The CDC Doesn’t Even Keep Records On The Third-Leading Cause Of Death For Patients

Startling Finding Reveals The CDC Doesn’t Even Keep Records On The Third-Leading Cause Of Death For Patients
Medical Error Shown To Be Vastly Underreported In Terrifying New Study–And The CDC Doesn’t Even Track It “Medical error.” It’s such a cold term, such a clinical term. It hardly conveys the pain, suffering, sense of betrayal and even loss of life that can result. From botched surgeries, to misprescribed medications, to amputations of the wrong limb–there was a story in the news recently of a hospital where neurosurgeons operated on the wrong hemisphere of the brain not once, not twice, but three separate times within a one-year span–the list of horrors goes on.… Read the rest

Conventional Medicine Major Cause of Death

Conventional Medicine Major Cause of Death
According to doctors like Dr Rima, when the doctor hands you a prescription, urged on, of course, by the pretty/handsome young and appealing drug rep, you are the buying end of a deadly industry, no matter what the marketing says about medical wisdom, science-based medicine and the like. You are a cash cow and, frankly, the sicker you are, the better for the pharmaceutical dairy farmers milking you.