As Calls For Change On The Opioid Crisis Reach A Fever Pitch, Here Is A Look At Just How Bad It Has Gotten

As Calls For Change On The Opioid Crisis Reach A Fever Pitch, Here Is A Look At Just How Bad It Has Gotten
Just How Bad Is The Opioid Crisis? Here Is A Snapshot Of An Epidemic The U.S. has suffered numerous drug crises over the course of its history, real and manufactured. From the ban on absinthe at the turn of the last century–a case against which built almost solely on the story of one mentally unbalanced man who went on a three-day absinthe bender and murdered his family–to Prohibition, to Harry Anslinger’s reefer madness of the 1930s (which lingers to this day) to the parallel crack and powder cocaine epidemics of the 1980s and 1990s that resulted in such different outcomes for their respective users, Americans are no strangers to drug-related problems.… Read the rest