Police Remove Children from Dallas Gay Bar After Anti-Grooming Activists Notice What’s Going On

Police Remove Children from Dallas Gay Bar After Anti-Grooming Activists Notice What’s Going On
The left is sexualizing children. Years ago, when anyone warned the country that this was the ultimate goal of the LGBT movement, they were decried as hateful bigots. Leaked footage from inside a Dallas, Texas, gay bar shows that, unfortunately, those predictions have come true. The gay bar — called Mr. Misster — hosted a “family-friendly” drag show where children watched as a man — dressed in a scantily-clad leather suit — danced for money.… Read the rest

Smile, You’re On Candid Camera: Cops Have Half Of All Americans On Facial Recognition Database

Smile, You’re On Candid Camera: Cops Have Half Of All Americans On Facial Recognition Database
But That’s Not Even My Good Side: Cops Have Half Of All Americans In Their Facial Recognition Database We read a lot about the intrusion of the surveillance state in a general sense, the fears we have about the ways our rights are being violated through 007-like activities that have become alarmingly routine. Activities like local, state and FBI use of Stingray devices to scoop up all cell phone activity in a particular area, or the Snowden revelations about the NSA doing the same greedy hoover routine only a much grander scale with our email and phone calls.… Read the rest

World famous Bondi Hotel the site of police riot in response to patrons singing

World famous Bondi Hotel the site of police riot in response to patrons singing
Not a day goes by in the U.S. where you can’t read about some new outrage committed by the police: Police Invade Texas Woman’s Home At 3 AM For Warrantless “Welfare Check” Police Barge Into Man’s Home With Guns Drawn Because They Thought He Might Be A Squatter Deputy Handcuffs 8-Year-Old Student and Watches As He Sobs In Agony Those are all real headlines from the U.S.… Read the rest