Major Radioactive Leak Leads to Shutdown at Indian Kakrapar Atomic Power Station (KAPS) Nuclear Station

Major Radioactive Leak Leads to Shutdown at Indian Kakrapar Atomic Power Station (KAPS) Nuclear Station
It’s been five years since the Fukushima disaster, and nuclear isotopes are washing up on US shores in increasing amounts. Will India be the next source of nuclear calamity? The nuclear reactor down the street from where you live? When will we learn? When will be compel the Nuclear Industry, world-wide, to develop and use real technologies that can actually clean up the mess once and for all? Take Action Here:

Fukushima Execs Face Trial, Tiny Fine: First Time Anyone Faces Justice for Nuclear Disaster

Fukushima Execs Face Trial, Tiny Fine: First Time Anyone Faces Justice for Nuclear Disaster
Tokyo Electric Power Company, reviled around the world as TEPCO, owns the stricken nuclear power station Fukushima Daiichi (or Fukushima Number 1) as well as other power stations around Japan. Although two government panels have called for the prosecution of former top TEPCO executives for professional negligence, the first call was ignored.  This time, however, ex-TEPCO chair Tsunehisa Katsumata and former vice presidents Sakae Muto and Ichiro Takekuro were charged with professional negligence over allegedly failing to take measures to protect the plant, despite being aware of elevated tsunami risks.… Read the rest