Terrifying Video Exposes Troll Thug Hate Group SAVN










Greens Leader Richard Di Natale personally thanked members of hate group Stop the Australian Vaccination Network ( SAVN) in parliament. This video exposes evidence of their cyberbullying abuse to parents and citizens who advocate for choice in Vaccination. Senator Di Natale personally thanked in parliament SAVN facebook page founder Daniel Raffaele who made violent threats and phone calls against AVN founder Meryl Dorey. His threats were so serious that she had to obtain an AVO ( Apprehended Violence Order ) against him.

Di Natale also thanked Skeptic Peter Bowditch who has harassed mothers of vaccine injured kids and talks about orgasms and dead children and Ken McLeod who has posted the home address of Meryl Dorey and urged his hate filled followers to dump toxic waste at her home. Do not vote for the Greens if you care about freedom! Will you vote for a party that doesn’t support human rights and praises hate groups to carry out abuse and even death threats?

Source: https://truthkings.com/terrifying-video-exposes-australian-vaccination-choice-bullying/

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