Engineered Climate Cataclysm: Hurricane Harvey

Engineered Climate Cataclysm: Hurricane Harvey
Hurricane Harvey is the latest example of covert weather warfare being waged on completely unsuspecting populations. Increasingly catastrophic climate cataclysms are being orchestrated and manipulated by an ever more desperate and aggressive global power structure. Rapidly accelerating climate and biosphere collapse is not somewhere on the horizon, it is here, now. Climate engineering is further fueling the unraveling of the remaining web of life on our once thriving planet.… Read the rest

Texas Reactor Flood Risk: a Warning from Japan

Texas Reactor Flood Risk: a Warning from Japan
TEXAS FLOODING PUTS REACTOR AT RISK A MESSAGE FROM MURATA-SAN “The Conscience of Fukushima”   Dear Friends, I am sending you an article of News Punch dated August 28, 2017. Confronted with serious consequences of recent typhoons and flooding in Japan, we are led to think that the natural disasters taking place in the United States, would be spreading worldwide in future, including Japan.… Read the rest

Radioactively-Hot Particles in Japan: Spreading

Radioactively-Hot Particles in Japan: Spreading
UPDATE FROM MURATA-SAN REGARDING FUKUSHIMA AND THE 2020 OLYMPICS Subject: Press Release: Radioactively-Hot Particles in Japan Spreading Date: 10:27 AM EDT, 08/06/17 From: “mitsu” Dear Friends, The Tokyo Olympic Games 2020 continue to belittle the aggravating consequenses of the Fukushima nuclear accident. Recent frequent earthquakes in Fukushima and around make us worry about the collapsing of the unit 2 building that could bring about another uncontrollable disaster.… Read the rest

Medical “Science” Gets It Wrong – AGAIN! Don’t Finish That Antibiotic RX!

Medical “Science” Gets It Wrong – AGAIN! Don’t Finish That Antibiotic RX!
The idea of completing antibiotics courses is deeply embedded in doctors and patients.  Natural Health advocates have said for decades that it is unscientific and dangerous.  They were right. The longer antibiotic exposure continues, the bigger the foothold resistant species will gain. These resistant strains can be transmitted directly between people who have no symptoms of illness. Rima E. Laibow, MD August 3, 2017 Newsmax Health made this informative and important article available to the general public.… Read the rest

Urgent Messages from Murata-San

Urgent Messages from Murata-San
As has been our practice, we are providing here to the public the recent urgent messages from “The Conscience of Fukushima” — M. Murata, former Japanese Ambassador to Switzerland, and one of the most prominent of the Japanese to be calling for “honorable retreat” from the 2020 Olympics, currently scheduled to be held in Japan near the Fukushima disaster zone. Murata-san has these messages for us: [1] Message to International Olympic Committee [20 July 2017] [2] Fukushima Radiation Water Dumping into the Pacific Ocean [16 July 2017] [3] Retreating from the Tokyo Olympic Games [17 June 2017] ———- Subject: Message to International Olympic Committee President Bach Date: 08:56 AM EDT, 07/20/17 From: “mitsu” Dear Friends, I am sending you my message addressed to President Thomas Bach of the IOC.… Read the rest

Fukushima: Nuclear War Without a War

Fukushima: Nuclear War Without a War
Dear Friends, I am sending you the article entitled “Nuclear War Without a War” published in Newsweek , May 24, 2017 — It is extremely alarming as regards Fukushima, stating as follows: “Fukushima disaster is totally out of control. This is a nuclear war without a war. Fukushima radiation has contained entire Pacific Ocean, Radiation detected in Europe and radiation at Fukushima reactors uncontrollable.”… Read the rest

Addressing Autism eBook

Addressing Autism eBook
DR. RIMA’S AUTISM eBOOK 110 Page Manual for Families of Autistic Children With Subscription to Online Quick Start Guide THE DEFINITIVE AUTISM ACTION PLAN Healing Your Autistic Child Purchase Here: Available 01 May 2017 Direct Link to this Page: From the Draft Introduction . “Autism rates are rising exponentially because we are overburdening the detoxification capacity of our children with voluntarily introduced toxins for the accomplishment of other agendas, sacrificing our children for the sake of those agendas.” … Read the rest

As If We Haven’t Done Enough Damage Already: Yet Another Way We Are Killing Honeybees With Neonicotinoids

As If We Haven’t Done Enough Damage Already: Yet Another Way We Are Killing Honeybees With Neonicotinoids
Killing Honeybees With Neonicotinoids Part Deux: Yet Another Way We Are Destroying Bee Colonies There are days when it seems like it just can’t get worse. Headlines scream about war, environmental poisoning, new record temperatures every day–where does it all end with the bad news? Then there’s the honeybees. You’ve probably already heard about how Dorchester County in South Carolina in its zeal to combat a nebulous and possibly non-existent threat from mosquitoes carrying the Zika virus killed off an estimated 1.5 million honeybees with aerial pesticide spraying of naled, a dangerous neurotoxin.… Read the rest