Dr. Bonnie Henry ordered to stand trial

Dr. Bonnie Henry will stand trial beginning April 17, 2023

By Reid Small

British Columbia’s Provincial Health Officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry, will stand trial and address the concerns of BC-based organization the Canadian Society for the Advancement of Science in Public Policy (CSASPP).

The self-described non-profit, non-partisan, secular, and crowd-funded organization’s objective is to counter BC’s COVID-19 related measures, which have been in place since March 18, 2020 when the provincial government declared a state of emergency.

The ball got rolling on Tuesday morning when CSASPP had their first hearing.

It initially filed their class action suit on Jan. 26, 2021, and Henry must personally submit to answering their questions while under oath.

Yesterday’s hearing – a judicial management conference – was strictly procedural, meaning it was not meant to deal with any of the allegations CSASPP is making in the action, but it did however ensure that the process going forward is not unreasonably delayed.

During the hearing, the Crown opposed solidifying a trial date, saying it was too premature. CSASPP argued it was appropriate, and the judge agreed.

“Dr. Henry, in her capacity as the provincial health officer for the province of BC, and the Crown, will stand trial as ordered by the court starting 17 April, 2023,” writes CSASPP in an August 11 release.

“It will be set for 40 days. We also intend to conduct her examination for discovery well before that.”

The certification hearing will be on the week of June 20, 2022.

“For those of you unfamiliar with class actions, a certification hearing is very important, arguably more so than trial,” said CSASPP.

During yesterday’s hearing, the Crown told the judge that it would like more details regarding what the defendants are being sued for.

The judge told the Crown they’ve been in possession of the suit since January, and therefore should not need much time to discern what the alleged concerns are. He ordered the Crown to provide their requests by August 25, 2021.

The public was able to listen to the hearing via a teleconference option.

“Crown counsel advised the judge prior to the hearing they had not been consulted in our request that public access be made available by teleconference for the hearing,” writes CSASPP.

“Our judge said public access is important, so far as it does not violate the rules of court. He also said the public should be able to listen in real time to what was happening and be informed of any orders that are made.”

The judge stood down the court until the teleconference was up and running, in order to ensure the public was able to listen.

Both parties will return to court for their second case planning conference on Sept. 27, 2021, as ordered by the judge. Instructions on how the public can listen will be updated on CSASPP’s website closer to the date.

On their Go Fund Me page, CSASPP describes how an astronomically low infection fatality ratio, testing kits producing false positives, the disappearance of the seasonal flu, and an overall lack of adequate evidential foundation are being increasingly questioned by legal scholars, small business owners, physicians, nurses, the scientists selling the tests, civil liberty advocacy groups, and many more.

“Since we filed, we’ve been overwhelmed with public support,” said Kip Warner, executive director of CSASPP, in a June 3 interview with the Western Standard.

“Millions of people worldwide are turning off corporate and government news sources as they rediscover the value of thinking for themselves. Consider that we didn’t even put out a news release, and yet awareness of our campaign went viral… no pun intended, shortly after we filed.”

The BC government stands by their actions.

“As this matter is presently before the courts, we will not be commenting on the litigation or the plaintiff organization,” a spokesperson of the Ministry of Attorney General told the Western Standard.

“As set out in the Response to Civil Claim, the province and the provincial health officer deny the allegations made by the CSASPP and say the orders made in response to the COVID-19 pandemic are lawful and fully comply with the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.”

CSASPP says it “will continue to take all reasonably necessary precautions to protect the identity of any high level government whistle-blowers within Dr. Henry’s staff, another governmental entity, or those in the private sector that may communicate with us from time to time.

“If requested, we can make arrangements for encrypted telephone, video, email, or text.”

Reid Small is a BC correspondent for the Western Standard

Source:  westernstandardonline.com/2021/08/dr-bonnie-henry-ordered-to-stand-trial/

9 thoughts on “Dr. Bonnie Henry ordered to stand trial

  1. I was led to this website by a shared link from one of my conspiracy theory Q-Anon believing acquintances. Normally I stick to reputable sources of news like CBC, BBC, NPR.

    What a waste of the court’s and Dr Bonnie Henry’s time. I’ve read over it and it’s just silly. You will see that nothing will come of this lawsuit.

    You are all led by misinformation. Vaccinated people will not drop dead from vaccines. Again, you will see.

    For vaccines to work well, the majority (90%+) should be immunized. All unvaccinated people are just selfish and entitled, and deluded by misinformation and disinformation.

    1. You are the deluded one.
      Want to talk about wasting court space.
      How about issuing tickets for not wearing masks or not shutting your business down?
      Wonder how many claims bogging down the court system.
      That was created by the government !
      That’s the governments fault!
      These groups are doing it because the government is LYING about the science!
      Why are they lying if it’s just a plain and simple Pandemic?
      Because more is going on bud.

      All happening for a FAKE pandemic created by MSM and Fear

      The PCR test has been proven to give false positives therefore the numbers used to SCARE the public in the first place where WRONG!

      The Survival rate from the virus is near 100 percent so natural immunity will do.

      You are the problem with what is happening in society today because you are so closed minded.
      Go read a book. And maybe listen to your friend more because he’s sending you in the right direction.

    2. Have you had your life completely destroyed by the quackccine? Do you suffer debilitating illnesses now? I do! It was never my responsibility to have my life destroyed for yours. Take responsibility for your own health. If you are so scared of this bs, then you stay home.

  2. @paniszMellc
    The fact that you “stick to reputable sources of news like CBC, BBC, NPR.” Is the problem. They have done nothing to do any actual reporting of the many reputable & global, scientists, doctors, immunologist, virologists, pathologist, nurses that have spoken out with evidence that contradicts what’s being told and done. Instead those people are being sensored and silenced by these “reputable news sources”. I think you need to do your own research before you judge others because these people are not “delusional” or bad, they are simply concerned and want answers. The fact that you call people “entitled and selfish” for refusing to get inoculated by a product that’s still in a trial phase is heartbreaking. It’s not wise to inoculate an entire population with an experimental drug that has no long term safety data. And those you call “selfish” may one day be the same people who show you kindness and help you if this experimental vaccine was to ever have any long term effects. Simply put: If THEY are exempt from liabilities, WE should be exempt from mandates. Period.

  3. http://vigiaccess.org
    Dec 28, 2021
    Adverse drug reactions (ADRs)
    * Blood and lymphatic system disorders (121921)
    * Cardiac disorders (161749)
    * Congenital, familial and genetic disorders (1732)
    * Ear and labyrinth disorders (93709)
    * Endocrine disorders (4849)
    * Eye disorders (104968)
    * Gastrointestinal disorders (561969)
    * General disorders and administration site conditions (1701753)
    * Hepatobiliary disorders (6130)
    * Immune system disorders (46095)
    * Infections and infestations (230189)
    * Injury, poisoning and procedural complications (159446)
    * Investigations (406995)
    * Metabolism and nutrition disorders (62416)
    * Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders (795709)
    * Neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps) (5051)
    * Nervous system disorders (1194352)
    * Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditions (7285)
    * Product issues (4343)
    * Psychiatric disorders (134130)
    * Renal and urinary disorders (24090)
    * Reproductive system and breast disorders (138692)
    * Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders (306307)
    * Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders (381694)
    * Social circumstances (20809)
    * Surgical and medical procedures (39421)
    * Vascular disorders (151354)

  4. PPl are dropping like flies from this experimental shot that was only tested on bunch of rats that all died..yet they pushed it out Emergency use only to test on the population the human lab rats. I will nvr regret my choice to not have this poison in my body..I pray you can say the same. Sadly unless you lucked out and got the saline don’t think you will. It’s said the effects from poison will start showing in yrs 2 – 5 . Well they’re spot on cause deaths and injuries are rising astronomically everyday since mid 2022. Even if one survives your DNA has been altered for life. I’m so thankful that most of my family are purebloods those who are not are continously sick . I pray for them daily…

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