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Pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) has been fined Argentinian 400,000 pesos on the heels of a report issued by the National Administration of Medicine, Food and Technology (ANMAT in Spanish) for “irregularities” during laboratory vaccine trials that were conducted in 2007 and 2008 on a pneumococcal vaccine. The experiments allegedly resulted in the deaths of 14 babies.
Two individual doctors were also fined for their alleged part in the clinical trials.
As the details come to light, an increasingly horrific picture emerges. The Argentine experiment begins to take on the dark tones of a Josef Mengele nightmare. Vaccines are routinely tried on poor, often illiterate “subjects” in developing countries which mean that if they die, as here, or are paralyzed (as in Chad) or otherwise harmed, no one with an power to do anything about it cares.
The charges include experimenting with human beings as well as the falsification of parental authorization documents so babies could participate in the vaccine-trials conducted by the laboratory.
According to Dr. Ana Marchese, who was working at one of the hospitals where the trials took place, “These doctors took advantage of the many illiterate parents [who took] their children for treatment by pressuring and forcing them into signing these 28-page consent forms and getting them involved in the trials.” Most of these parents are illiterate.
“Laboratories can’t experiment [on people] in Europe or the United States, so they come to do it in third-world countries,” she added. The evidence supports her: Colombia and Panama were also selected for GSK trials of the vaccine against the pneumococcal bacteria.
Dr. Marchese went on to report the case to the Argentine Federation of Health Professionals (FESPROSA in Spanish), and has since conducted numerous interviews exposing the horrors of the case.
Starting in 2007, 15,000 children under the age of one from Mendoza, San Juan and Santiago del Estero provinces in Argentina were included in the research. Babies were recruited from poor families that had visited public hospitals for unrelated medical treatment, but once they were included in the tests, they would be whisked away to unknown parts of the hospital where they were attended to by doctors specifically recruited by GSK, according to Dr. Marchese.
A total of seven infants died in Santiago del Estero; five in Mendoza; and two in San Juan.
According to the Federation of Health Professionals, families were paid 8,000 pesos for each child they remanded to the control of the GSK doctors.
This criminal tale sounds as if it belongs in a dystopian fiction piece. The fact that these acts were carried out in the 21st century by a major global company should give everyone pause when it comes to whom we trust with our medicinal decisions.
If these conscience-free monsters are the ones making the vaccines we’re supposed to give our children and our selves, isn’t it time that we take a second or third look at the entire process?
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