(LifeSiteNews) — The Justice Department has warned Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government that “zero tolerance vax-mandates” are not acceptable, and that people must be given the option to test instead, according to the Toronto Sun.
Just last week, Trudeau’s government declared that unvaccinated Members of Parliament (MP) would be barred from Canada’s House of Commons. Under the directive, democratically elected MPs and staff who haven’t taken an abortion-tainted jab would not be allowed to enter the federal government headquarters where they work for Canadian citizens.
A statement from the Board of Internal Economy, which is responsible for rules regarding the House of Commons, said: “Effective Monday, November 22, 2021, individuals must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 to be allowed within the House of Commons Precinct.”
The board also stated that only those with rare medical contraindications that would prohibit them from being jabbed would qualify for exemptions. There were no stipulations given for religious or conscience objections.
“The federal Transportation department quietly announced that the vaccine mandate for air and rail travellers would have to be put off until December,” the Toronto Sun’s article said.
According to a Government of Canada website, “From October 30 to November 29, there will be a short transition period when travellers who don’t yet qualify as fully vaccinated will be able to travel if they can show a valid COVID-19 molecular test taken within 72 hours of travel.”
Just 20 days ago, Trudeau reiterated the prohibition against unvaccinated Canadians from boarding a plane or a train after October 31. No announcement has been made yet by the Prime Minister to acknowledge that the government has pushed its deadline back, and there is not yet an indication that they do not intend to push it back again.
The Toronto Sun article added that given the fact it’s legally dubious that that a Canadian citizen can be barred from traveling domestically on a government sanctioned service — such as federally regulated airlines — that “negative tests will likely have to be accepted in lieu” of proof of vaccination.
The Justice Center for Charter Freedoms (JCCF) has taken a strong stance against mandatory vaccinations that contradict basic Canadian Charter rights, such as the right to travel freely within the country. Recently, the JCCF sued the Ontario government over its draconian vaccine passport that denies unvaccinated tax-paying citizens from public services like ice-rinks that are paid for by the tax-payer.
Federal and provincial vaccine policies are jurisdictionally different, but it is the contention of the JCCF that mandates that supersede Charter-protected rights are “illegal,” and “ethically wrong.”
“When we get before the Court, we will be urging that they see these vaccine mandates for what they really do — which is take away the long-standing rights of citizens to make informed decisions about their own medical care,” the lawyers wrote.
JCCF lawyer Marty Moore told LifeSiteNews, “The Justice Centre has consistently argued that based the scientific data, vaccine mandates are unjustified violations of Canadians’ constitutional right to choose what to inject — or not inject — into their own bodies.”
“Government claims that mandatory vaccination is necessary to stop transmission are undermined by the fact that vaccinated individuals can still contract and transmit covid and by data showing that unvaccinated individuals who have recovered from Covid have superior protection than vaccinated persons,” the lawyer continued. “Federal or provincial governments that continue to ignore this information will have to answer it in court, where judges are required to determine whether in fact the governments’ restriction of Charter rights is ‘demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society.’”
Many European countries with vaccine mandates have adopted a Green Pass, which allows for citizens to access restricted services by providing a negative test or proof of immunity. Canada does not yet have this option. One Canadian travel and tourism executive anonymously told a LifeSiteNews reporter that it is believed that a “green pass” system will be coming to Canada for travel purposes.