9 thoughts on “Nurse warns: Stay away from those who’ve been ‘vaxxed’

  1. This nurse needs to be careful now. They will be after her. What courage she has and I am grateful we have true heroins like her. My wife finally understands what I have been telling her for months because of this video.

    1. Yes she is brave and I am thankful for her info, but she also has to stop using the words *retard* omgosh so offensive to those of us with loved-ones that have mental disabilities.

    2. Yes she is brave and I am thankful for her info, but she also has to stop using the words *retard* omgosh so offensive to those of us with loved-ones that have mental disabilities.

  2. W e have three kids. Oldest has most shots, last two no shots. All three on the Spectrum. I feel it’s going to get to the point where we’re going to have stars on our chests like Jews. My daughters have been kicked off the school campus Because of no shots and they still allow my son to go to school because he has some shot but if you want to go to university I’m afraid he’ll have to get some. I wonder how they will re-evaluate the law because they have now taken away medical exemptions and religious exemptions but they say that the covid vaccination will still have religious and medical…. we don’t go to church now but I did grow up in a very strict Baptist environment and we have been preparing for this day. Thank you for your time.

  3. I went to see my Nurse Practitioner and she got the vax. I learned about this too late, guess I wll find another Nurse or Dr but how many Drs are falling for this crap? I would say most. I pray I don’t get sick. How can we see a Dr when we don’t know if they got the v or not?

  4. My comment is a lot of questions: What about people who live with people who were vaccinated? I have a handicapped friend who has not been vaxed but whose mother was vaccinated and he lives with her, so is it safe to be near him? I would like to know more about this contagious situation, as people who come to my job in a dog kennel are mostly travelers and unfortunately have mostly been vaccinated, so what is the answer there? If this shedding is true, because I do not wear a mask at work, am I doomed now because I’ve come in contact with customers coming to drop off or pick up their dogs? If this is true, I do not see how the world will even continue at all, let alone get back to “normal.” I of course try to be cognizant of my surroundings, but in order to live, it’s looking more and more impossible to avoid vaxxed folks.

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