REGINA, Saskatchewan (LifeSiteNews) — The province of Saskatchewan will hold off on implementing a digital identification system for the time being.
The Saskatchewan government announced that, at least temporarily, they will halt the rollout of a digital identification system in the conservative stronghold province. While there were reportedly multiple reasons for axing the system, two of the factors were unfavorable polling and pushback from both the public and provincial legislators.
“We just thought we’ve got an opportunity here to review what other governments are doing with this, and so we decided not to proceed right now,” said MLA Jim Reiter, the minister responsible for SaskBuilds, the division behind the digital ID.
“There [were] enough people raising concerns that obviously you have to make that a factor,” Reiter added. “But it certainly wasn’t the only one.”
In addition to concerns about how the system would impact personal privacy, there were also concerns that the system was actually part of a larger agenda that did not originate or was not contained to those within the Saskatchewan government.
“Mr. Speaker, people want to know who the government is working with to implement an actual mass digital ID system that will link all of our personal information to one source,” MLA Nadine Rivers asked during the Question Period in the legislature.
According to a government-commissioned poll, just 42 percent of respondents in the province were even “somewhat comfortable” with a digital “photo ID verification,” with only 25 percent saying they were “extremely comfortable” with the idea.
The topic of digital IDs has become a hot-button issue in Canada over the past few months, with the heavily populated provinces of Ontario and Alberta having already rolled out their systems to varying degrees.
According to the Digital ID and Authentication Council of Canada (DIACC), the group Saskatchewan joined to push the system, “Saskatchewan joined the DIACC because we recognize that if we are going to realize the potential of digital ID, we need to define and govern digital identity nationally, with private and public sector collaboration,” the council said.
The council also says the digital ID will “enable Canadians” to “participate in the global digital economy” while further outlining that the program has the stated goal of becoming “ubiquitous.”
Other partners include major banks, Canada’s postal service, and large telecommunication networks such as TELUS, with the Canadian Bankers Association having already openly talked about the need for Canada’s financial institutions, under the guidance of the World Economic Forum (WEF), to push for adoption of the digital ID regime in order for the transition to be successful.
The WEF is the globalist organization behind the widely criticized “Great Reset” agenda. The Great Reset is a radical plan designed by global elites that “seeks to ‘push the reset button’ on the global economy” and establish a New World Order that seems to closely emulate many aspects of the Chinese Social Credit System.
According to the WEF, under the “Great Reset,” by the year 2030, “You’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy.”
Source: www.lifesitenews.com/news/saskatchewan-halts-digital-id-rollout-after-facing-pushback/