Bill Gates Buys Massive Amount of Farmland in North Dakota, But the State AG Just Stepped in

Bill Gates Buys Massive Amount of Farmland in North Dakota, But the State AG Just Stepped in
Richard Moorhead | June 22, 202 Bill Gates has made himself the single largest private owner of farmland in the United States. The globalist billionaire expanded his holdings of American farmland, accumulating a total of 242,000 acres of the most arable land in America, according to The Daily Caller. North Dakota’s attorney general is stepping in after Gates’ trust acquired six parcels of land in Pembina County.… Read the rest

Neonicotinoids: The Toxic Pesticide That’s Killing Bees and Threatening Global Food Security

Neonicotinoids: The Toxic Pesticide That’s Killing Bees and Threatening Global Food Security
Scientists say neonicotinoids (“neonics” for short), a highly toxic and widely used family of pesticides, is killing off bees and other pollinators — and threatening ecosystem health and food security. By  Courtney Lindwall Around the world, bees and other pollinators are dying off in droves, with potential long-term impacts on ecosystem health and food security. Scientists are now pointing to a highly toxic and widely used family of pesticides known as neonicotinoids (“neonics” for short) as a primary culprit.… Read the rest

Bayer and Other Seed and Pesticide Companies Pressured Researchers to Omit Pictures and Results from Study

Bayer and Other Seed and Pesticide Companies Pressured Researchers to Omit Pictures and Results from Study
  Bayer has been in the spotlight for trying to avoid compensating people who became sick from using its Roundup weed killer, it seems the company is likewise to be complicit for trying to conceal risks associated with its insecticides. It wasn’t alone. From U.S. Right to Know: Agrichemical giant Bayer helped fund a study by university academics, then pressured them to omit photos that implicated a defective insecticide-treated seed product as a threat to bees, according to communications obtained by U.S.… Read the rest

Food Security And Corporations: How Monsanto And Bayer Merging Could Be Even Worse News Than We Thought

Food Security And Corporations: How Monsanto And Bayer Merging Could Be Even Worse News Than We Thought
Food Insecurity In The Era Of Mega-Mergers: How Monsanto And Bayer’s Unholy Marriage Could Be Even Worse Than We Thought Power is a funny thing. Well, not that funny, and certainly not funny-haha, not to the vast majority of us who have little power of our own. But once a person or group has power they tend to exploit it just as much as they can.… Read the rest

The Grass Isn’t Always Greener: Those Lush, Green Lawns Come At A Hefty Environmental Price In Terms Of Not Only Water, But Herbicides Too

The Grass Isn’t Always Greener: Those Lush, Green Lawns Come At A Hefty Environmental Price In Terms Of Not Only Water, But Herbicides Too
Green Grass And Glypho Forever: How Monsanto Has Locked Down Lawn Treatments, Locking Suburbanites In A Destructive Environmental Spiral It’s hard to believe, but there was a time in the not so distant past when newly settled Americans had to bring their own grass seed over with them from Europe. Longing for hominess of the England’s green, settlers would bring grass seed with them, jealously guarded and tied in sachets they wore around their necks like precious jewels.… Read the rest

Letting The Genie Out Of The Bottle: Unauthorized Gmo Wheat Found In Fallow Field In Washington State

Letting The Genie Out Of The Bottle: Unauthorized Gmo Wheat Found In Fallow Field In Washington State
Say Goodbye To Natural Food: GMO Wheat Found Growing In Fallow Field In Washington State Could Be The Beginning Of The End They say you can’t really appreciate something until it’s gone. And the human race may be on the verge of finding out just how true those words really are, when it comes to naturally foods grown in the natural ways they have been for millennia.… Read the rest

If At First You Don’t Succeed: as Roundup’s Usefulness Declines, Monsanto To Team Up With DuPont to Create A Super-Herbicide

If At First You Don’t Succeed: as Roundup’s Usefulness Declines, Monsanto To Team Up With DuPont to Create A Super-Herbicide
Well That’s Just Super: Monsanto To Partner With DuPont to Create A Super-Herbicide–To Combat Super-Weeds Its Own Roundup Has Created You know what they say, if at first you don’t succeed, spray, spray again. Or something like that. At any rate that seems to be the philosophy of the brainiacs at Monsanto. The agri-chem giant has announced a partnership in which it will work with rival DuPont to create a super-herbicide that will be able to fight against so-called “super-weeds” that have developed a resistance to Monsanto’s flagship herbicide Roundup.… Read the rest

Fungicides May Cause Damage To Brain, Mimic Effects Of Autism, Neurodegenerative Disorder

Fungicides May Cause Damage To Brain, Mimic Effects Of Autism, Neurodegenerative Disorder
This Is Your Brain On Fungicides: How An Increasingly Common Crop Treatment May Be Damaging Us Worse Than We Thought. Its getting harder and harder to keep up with all the chemicals that are sprayed on our food sources. Monsanto’s glyphosate-based Roundup herbicide has been in the news lately as scientists learn more and more about the damage it can do to humans and the ecosystem as a whole.… Read the rest

Who will regulate the regulators? The USDA shows more signs of cravenly serving corporate interests

Who will regulate the regulators? The USDA shows more signs of cravenly serving corporate interests
Who does the USDA work for, the taxpayers or giant agri-business? There is an ugly term related to government agencies and the way they operate that has gained more and more relevance in recent years: that term is “captive agency.” It was created to describe what happens when a regulatory agency’s powers have been essentially usurped from within due to the interference from the interests it was meant to regulate.… Read the rest

France joins other EU countries in planning to vote against glyphosate re-approval

France joins other EU countries in planning to vote against glyphosate re-approval
France and a growing chorus of other EU countries are preparing to just say no to Monsanto and its toxic herbicide Roundup in a way that could make a real dent in the agrichem corporation’s bottom line. A recent vote set to determine whether the EU would re-approve the use of glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup, on crops throughout the union has been postponed.… Read the rest