Citing Climate Change, Ontario May Finally Stand Up To Nestle Waters’ Ruthless Extraction Practices

Citing Climate Change, Ontario May Finally Stand Up To Nestle Waters’ Ruthless Extraction Practices
Ontario Stands Up: Province May Kick Out Nestle Waters Using Climate Change As Justification Anyone who has been following the ongoing water wars pitting companies like Nestlé against…well, against everyone, really, surely remembers the recent skirmish in Guelph, Ontario Canada. That’s where residents’ efforts to limit or ban Nestlé’s water division from depleting the area’s water were rebuffed by officials who never met a business they didn’t like–even if it steals a non-renewable resource away from its own residents for mere pennies on the dollar.… Read the rest

As Climate Change Brings New Weather Along With New Diseases Further North: Four To Look For

As Climate Change Brings New Weather Along With New Diseases Further North: Four To Look For
Meet The New Neighbors: Four Tropical Viruses That Could Make A Big Splash In North America Thanks To Climate Change Some people are never satisfied. Count among them virologists and epidemiologists. Even as The Zika panic cools off along with the weather in the northern hemisphere, these party poopers are on the lookout for new, potentially devastating diseases that could make the leap to the next level and show up in your Sunday paper–and possibly in your bloodstream–sometime very soon.… Read the rest

Fish Farm Fugitives: Escapees Demonstrate How Dangerous Aquaculture Really Is

Fish Farm Fugitives: Escapees Demonstrate How Dangerous Aquaculture Really Is
  Escape From The Alcatraz Of Aquaculture: How Fish Farm Escapees Are Changing The Ecosystem Permanently No matter how many times humanity is taught certain lessons we never really seem to learn. Our history abounds with examples where we tried to control or alter the delicate balance of nature to better benefit humankind, for example the introduction of the mongoose to the Hawaiian islands at the height of the plantation era in the mid 1800s, ostensibly to kill the native tree rats that threatened the sugarcane and the profits of the planter class.… Read the rest

Climate Lies From Mainstream Op-Ed Pages: Breakdown Shows Clear Anti-Climate Science Bias In Nation’s Leading Papers

Climate Lies From Mainstream Op-Ed Pages: Breakdown Shows Clear Anti-Climate Science  Bias In Nation’s Leading Papers
Anti-Climate Science Bias On The Op-Ed Pages: Major Newspapers Guilty Of Tilting The Scales If you’ve ever wondered why nothing substantial ever seems to get done about the clear science of climate change showing that the planet is in deep trouble if we don’t mend our fossil fuel burning ways, you’re not alone. The record hottest months keep occurring, and the COP21 environmental summit in France was widely derided as a bad joke of a PR stunt that will keep fossil fuel interests–and their stockholders–happy without doing jack about climate change, as there are no actual restrictions or penalties for nations who don’t comply with the targets outlined in the agreement.… Read the rest

Heat And Cold Can Lead To Premature Birth: New Study Says Temp Extremes Endanger Mothers-To-Be

Heat And Cold Can Lead To Premature Birth: New Study Says Temp Extremes Endanger Mothers-To-Be
Yet Another Problem With Climate Change: Temperature Extremes Lead To Premature Births There was a memorable bit of political grandstanding a couple years ago in the House of Representatives that perhaps even avid political observers will remember. In the middle of a debate about climate change, Rep. James Inhofe (R-OK) brought a snowball onto the floor of the House. Inhofe, a rabid climate change denier and widely known as the dumbest man in Congress was attempting to graphically present one of the stupidest anti-climate change points in their idiotic arsenal: that because winter still exists then the climate must not be changing.… Read the rest

As We Take More And Stronger Measures To Cool Our Baking Air Using Air Conditioning, We Are Making The Overheating Problem Exponentially Worse

As We Take More And Stronger Measures To Cool Our Baking Air Using Air Conditioning, We Are Making The Overheating Problem Exponentially Worse
As The Planet Gets Hotter, People Turn Up The Air Conditioning–Thus Making The Planet Hotter–And The Pattern Is Getting Exponentially Worse Summer in the northern hemisphere has already pushed the planet to the brink of yet another record-breaking year for heat. Much of the U.S. is enduring temperatures above 100°F (38°C) driving one of the world’s most air-conditioned countries to crank up their clanking, greenhouse gas-spewing machines.… Read the rest

Leaders Sign While Rome Burns: World Leaders Gather In New York To Sign COP21 Agreement. Already Beyond 2°C Limit

Leaders Sign While Rome Burns: World Leaders Gather In New York To Sign COP21 Agreement. Already Beyond 2°C Limit
Fiddling While Rome Burns–Along With The Rest Of The World: Leaders Sign COP21 Doc, Meanwhile Temps Already Surpassing Agreed-Upon Threshold. World leaders gathered in New York last week to ratify the COP21 agreement that was hammered out in Paris four months ago, in what many are calling a futile gesture to cap off a toothless and meaningless agreement that is little more than show.… Read the rest

Global Warming Is Making It Nicer In Winter; So Americans Unconcerned, According To New Study

Global Warming Is Making It Nicer In Winter; So Americans Unconcerned, According To New Study
New Study Indicates More Pleasant Winter Weather Inoculates Americans From Global Warming Alarm Growing up in the northern part of the United States, during the dead of winter–those long, dark, cold gray days–when you catch an occasional sunny, warm day, you rejoice. The joke is that weather which in the summer would have you scrambling for your hoodie and long pants will get you running around in shorts and a t-shirt in January.… Read the rest

Rockefeller Family Fund Can No Longer Stomach ExxonMobil’s Chicanery–Divests Effective Immediately

Rockefeller Family Fund Can No Longer Stomach ExxonMobil’s Chicanery–Divests Effective Immediately
Divestment: ExxonMobil ‘Morally Reprehensible,’ According To Rockefeller Family Fund We all have that one friend. The one who, no matter what horrible things you do or say, no matter what vile rumors have been started about you, he or she will always remain loyal. It’s a bad sign when even that friend stops answering your calls. A really bad sign. And when that friend is actually your grandfather, the one who gave you your start and made you who you are, when even he says “enough is enough,” surely that’s a clear signal that things have got to change.… Read the rest